October 2, 2012



OCTOBER 2, 2012

The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commissioners was called to order at 8:01 a.m. (CDT) by Chairman Dennis Booth with Commissioners Marsha Davenport, Dana Iversen, D. D. Jacobson and Brian Scott present.  Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, Highway Superintendent Leo Sullivan, Emergency Management Director Rob Fines, Auditor Karen Sharp, Reed Stoeser, Tom O’Daniel, Issac Jacobson, Pat Prince, Tom Richardson, Lance Nixon, Jeri Thomas, Iris Meligan, Dave Gerdes, Jim Ulmen, Merle Schreiber, Doyle Musick, Don Bergeson, Raymond Neuhauser and Nancy Stirling-Neuhauser were also present.

AGENDA:  Motion by Scott, second by Iversen, to adopt the Agenda with the addition of jail contracts.  All voted Aye. Motion carried.

MINUTES:  Motion by Davenport, second by Scott, to approve the Minutes of September 4 and September 13, 2012.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

TREASURER AND AUDITOR REPORTS were accepted as presented.

CLAIMS:  Motion by Iversen, second by Scott, to approve the claims.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE INC                                              1143.35  AMBULANCE CONTRACT - PIERRE  

AT&T MOBILITY                                                                                        48.94  UTILITIES                    

DEMETRIA BEAUMONT                                                                          60.00  SUBPOENAS                    

BECK MOTOR COMPANY                                                                        38.96  SUPPLIES                     

BLACK HILLS CHEMICAL & JANITOR                                 96.99  SUPPLIES                     

BUTLER MACHINERY CO.                                                    1552.90  SUPPLIES                     

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                                                  58.00  TRASH BILLING                

CAPITAL JOURNAL                                                                                 784.74  LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS         

CENTURYLINK                                                                                          330.93  PHONE                        

CITY OF FORT PIERRE                                                         23.50  UTILITIES                    

CITY OF FOR PIERRE                                                                               6272.30 DUE TO CITY AUGUST 2012       

COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED CTR.                            1666.67  OCTOBER SUPPORT              

COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                                 152.22  ICE/SUPPLIES 4 CORNERS FIRE  

CHANDLERS GLASS & RECYCLING                                       32.00  SUPPLIES                     

DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                                                                136.79  SUPPLIES                     

PEGGY DOUGHERTY                                                                177.50  COUNTY CONVENTION            

DUFFY LAW OFFICE                                                              688.80  ATTORNEY FEES                

EDDIES TRUCK SALES                                                            13.72  SUPPLIES                     

ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE                                    644.63  BALLOTS                      

ENVIROTECH WASTE SERVICES, INC                                  299.77  UTILITIES- FAIRGROUNDS       

FLEET SERVICES                                                                                     12601.47  SUPPLIES                     

FORT PIERRE FIRE DEPT                                                     14425.00  4TH QUARTER PAYMENT          

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                                              1902.37  UTILITIES                    

FOUR CORNERS FIRE DEPTMENT                                          4500.00  4TH QUARTER                  

GLASS PRODUCTS, INC                                                             198.37  DRIP CAPS                    

GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR                                   716.33  SUPPLIES                     

HOGEN'S HARDWARE HANK                                                                   28.90  SUPPLIES                     

HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                                                                  9280.00  JAIL-PRISONER MAINT          

KLEINS OFFICE PLUS                                                               189.39  DOE MISC                     

KLEINS OFFICE PLUS                                                                   21.54  SUPPLIES                     

M & R SIGNS                                                                                                117.08  JUDGES PLAQUE                

THOMAS P MAHER                                                                              2730.28  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES        

MERCHANTS CAPITAL RESOURCES                                                 24713.51 CASE LOADER PAYMENT

MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                                  375.00  FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT        

MN WIRELESS, LLC                                                                                      69.00  UTILITIES                    

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                                      15.50  UTILITIES                    

NACO                                                                                              400.00  DUES                         

DARLIS D PERRY                                                                                          90.00  BLOOD ALCOHOL                

PIERRE AREAL REFERRAL SERVICE                                                 1500.00 BACK PACK PROGRAM

PIERRE CITY                                                                                                  110.00 MEDICALDIRECTOR AGREEMENT   

PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL                                                                           136.95  TERM RENTAL AGREEMENT        

RAMKOTA HOTEL                                                                      379.96  HOTEL COUNTY CONVENTION

RESERVE ACCOUNT (PITNEY BOWLES)                               390.70  SUPPLIES                     

RUNNINGS                                                                                                     291.92  SUPPLIES                     

SCHMIDT, SCHROYER, & MORENO PC                                                  41.75  MENTAL ILLNESS SERVICES      

SD ASS’N. OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                                                       224.00 M/P FUND FOR ROD JULY 2012

SD ASS’N. OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                                                       130.00 M/P FUND FOR ROD AUG 2012

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                                             296.00  BLOOD TESTS                  

SERVALL UNIFORM & LINEN                                                                   31.64  REPAIRS/MAINT.               

SHANE'S PHARMACY                                                                              44.00  PRERSCRIPTION- PRISONER      

KAREN SHARP                                                                                            175.50  CONVENVTION EXPENSES         

STANLEY COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT                                    47480.50  4TH QTR                      

STANLEY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT                                           74,270.18  DUE TO SCHOOL AUG. 2012

BEVERLY STOESER                                                                            347.78  CONVENTION-MOTEL              

SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET                                           5.12  SUPPLIES                     

TEX'S JACK REPAIR AND WELDING                                           50.00  WELD RAIL POST               

TITZE ELECTRIC                                                                            99.49  SERVICE CALL 8-25-12         

ULTRA INC                                                                                 3463.00  EQUIPMENT- COMPUTER          

UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE DIV.                                                  3462.41 TAX LIEN PAYMENT

WALMART COMMUNITY                                                                     55.28  SUPPLIES                     

WW TIRE SERVICE, INC                                                          62.96  REPAIRS/MAINT.               

XEROX CORPORATION                                                                              171.07  LEASE/COPIES                 

ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                                             149.05  SUPPLIES 

SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners, $3,693.35; Auditor, $4,948.35; Treasurer, $6,209.07; States Attorney, $5,170.58; Custodian, $2,304.00; Director of Equalization, $5,119.20; Register of Deeds, $2,624.00; Road and Bridge, $28,015.46; Community Health Secretary, $ 1,919.84; WIC Secretary, $243.36; Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield, employee insurance, $14,016.68; SD Retirement System, withheld and match, $6,132.28; SD Supplemental Retirement, employee contribution, $1,770.001;  Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax, $12,801.51.

AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                            

September,  2012                                                                                                                                                                      

Cash on hand  $1,565.95

Checks, less than 3 days    $53,503.14                                                                                                                                                                                Petty Cash  $200.00                                                                                                                        

First National Bank  $18,958.76                                                            

MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank  $2,763,127.91                                                                                            

SD FIT  $6,008.69                                                                                                

Total  $2,843,364.45                                                                

REGISTER OF DEEDS:                                                                                                                         

Regular fees, September, 2012  $1,983.42                                                                                                                             

Transfer fees, September, 2012  $1,380.00

HIGHWAY DEPT:  The Highway was recognized for the Loss Control Safety Achievement Award it received from Safety Benefits, Inc.  The Bad River road, mowing and gravel were discussed.  Sullivan is to check on prices for a gravel screener.

CERTIFIED COUNTY OFFICIAL:  Auditor Sharp was recognized for achieving 2012 Certified Official status.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:  Jacobson reported that at the Regional meeting for the Homeland Security Grant on September 22, 2012, Four-Corners Fire Department was awarded 10 pagers, law enforcement lap tops, and the school security cameras pending further approval.

LOSS CONTROL SURVEY:  The survey from Safety Benefits, Inc., was discussed.

TRI-COUNTY RESCUE TRUCK REPLACEMENT was reported on by Jacobson, whom advised that the cost was covered through the yearly payments the county makes.

3806 and 3902 NORTH FRONTIER ROAD:  Property owners along Frontier Road discussed the unattractiveness of the properties, fire hazard and the attraction of skunks, and asked for assistance from the County.  The properties will be checked for noxious weeds and the property owners will be advised of the situation and the concerns expressed.

JAIL CONTRACTS:  Prisoner rates at surrounding jails was discussed.  Motion by Iversen, second by Jacobson, to have Sheriff Rathbun check pricing at Brule and Trip County jails for prisoner care.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

VETERANS MEMORIAL:  Iversen advised that Great Plains Landscaping had been contacted, and estimates for pavers, etc., will be submitted at a later date.

STORAGE:  The progress of gaining more storage area was discussed.  Commissioners will discuss the progress of the Sheriff’s department with Sheriff Rathbun.

STANLEY/HUGHES HORSEMEN:  Don Bergeson and Doyle Musick asked for use of the Schomer Barn again this winter for the youth group and roping from time-to-time for which they will provide proof of insurance to be filed with the Auditor’s office.  The overhead door in the southwest corner was also discussed.  Motion by Iversen, second by Davenport to allow use of the Schomer Barn again this fall and winter by the the Stanley/Hughes Horsemen.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

Commissioners were advised that the 4-H Finals annual meeting is scheduled for October 27, 2012, at 10:00 a.m., Casey Tibbs Center.

STIRLING RANCH RODEO:  Nancy Stirling-Neuhauser thanked the Commissioners for use of the fairground facilities.  It was suggested that some painting and clean up could be done at the fairgrounds.  Mrs. Neuhauser asked for use of the facilities again on September 21, 2013.  Motion by Davenport, second by Iversen, to allow the Stirling Ranch Rodeo on September 21, 2013, for $75.00 rent, plus utilities and proof of insurance.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Motion by Davenport, second by Jacobson, to go into Executive Session for Personnel, SDCL 1-25-2(1), at 10:10 a.m.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.  Out of Executive Session at 10:25 a.m.

Motion by Scott, second by Iversen, to hire Dawn Sass as Deputy Treasurer at $13.52 per hour provided that she continue to do the welfare personnel work, court-appointed attorney fees, and confinement costs until such time as someone is hired and trained for said work, and that she shall serve a three-month probation period beginning October 10, 2012.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Davenport will sit in on the Deputy Auditor interviews.

ENERGY GRANT:  Auditor Sharp advised that and application for additional funds for the Energy Grant had been submitted.

ADJOURN:  Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, to adjourn at 10:33 a.m. (CDT).  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

ATTEST:                                                                               BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSION


__________________________________                 ____________________________________________

Karen Sharp, Auditor                                                          Dennis Booth, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

