October 1, 2013

OCTOBER 1, 2013

The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 5:19 p.m. (CDT) by Chairman Iversen with Commissioners Dennis Booth, Scott Deal and Brian Scott present.  Ronnie Heckenlaible was in attendance by telephone.  Deputy Auditor Philena Edwards, Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, Highway Superintendent Leo Sullivan, County Health Nurse Carmella Bourk, Emergency Management Director Rob Fines, Bonnie Nickels, and Alyssa Small of the Capital Journal were also in attendance.  The meeting began with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

AGENDA:  Motion by Scott, second by Deal, to approve the Agenda.  Roll call vote:  Booth—Yea, Deal—Yea, Heckenlaible—Yea, Scott—Yea, and Iversen—Yea.  Motion Carried.

MINUTES:  Motion by Heckenlaible, second by Scott, to approve the Minutes of September 24, 2013.  .  Roll call vote:  Booth—Yea, Deal—Yea, Heckenlaible—Yea, Scott—Yea, and Iversen—Yea.  Motion Carried.

Treasurer’s and Auditor’s reports were reviewed.

CLAIMS:  Motion by Scott, second by Deal, to approve the Claims as submitted:  Roll call vote:  Booth—Yea, Deal—Yea, Heckenlaible—Yea, Scott— Yea, and Iversen—Aye.  Motion Carried.

AIRTECH HEATING & COOLING INC                                                899.15  GOV BLDG REPAIR   AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE INC                                           1,237.50  AUGUST  SUBSIDY
ASSMAN'S SHOP SUPPLY                                                                     21.40  OFFSET LINK     
AT&T MOBILITY                                                                                    47.52  CELL PHONE
BACKROADS ENTERPRISES                                                               639.80  SHOP TOWELS
BEST LAWN CARE                                                                               205.00  GOV BLDG               BOTTOM LINE WELDING                                                                    812.78  PARTS - SUPPLIES
BRULE COUNTY AUDITOR                                                              1,175.00  AUGUST 2013 JAIL BUTLER MACHINERY CO                                                                   959.72  PARTS/REPAIRS
CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                                               62.75  TRASH BILLING 
WICK COMMUNICATIONS                                                                 809.88  PUBLICATION
CENTURY LINK                                                                                     85.28  REPEATER            
CENTURYLINK                                                                                    246.27  TELEPHONE                 COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED CTR                                          1,666.66  OCTOBER SUPPORT
COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                                                95.95  GAS               
DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                                                              215.10  ROD SUPPLIES
DENTISTRY AT THE ST CHARLES LLC                                              164.95  MEDICAL  
DIAMOND MOWERS INC                                                                     441.28  MOWER     
PEGGY DOUGHERTY                                                                           179.94  TRAVEL    
EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                                                                        465.65  TRUCK    
PHILENA EDWARDS                                                                                9.00  MEAL                 ENVIROTECH                                                                                        604.35 FAIRGROUNDS  
FAIRFIELD INN & SUITES                                                                    516.00  LODGING   
WADE FISCHER                                                                                     560.00  ATTY  
FLEET SERVICES                                                                               15,137.79   FUEL & GAS               
FORT PIERRE FIRE DEPT                                                                  14,638.75  4TH QTR PAYMENT
FORT PIERRE CITY                                                                                  14.83 COPIES    
FORT PIERRE CITY                                                                              2,882.03  UTILITIES   
FOUR CORNERS FIRE DEPTMENT                                                      4,590.00  4TH QTR             GASRITE INC                                                                                            107.72  FUEL  
GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS                                            334.04 E911                       GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR                                                197.59  PARTS              JENNIFER GUERUE                                                                                    20.00  SUBPOENA
KRISTY F GUERUE                                                                                     20.00  SUBPOENA 
HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                                                              10,800.00  AUGUST JAIL
INLAND TRUCK PARTS                                                                            843.98  PARTS         
M & R SIGNS                                                                                                45.00 FAIRGROUNDS
THOMAS P MAHER                                                                                2,564.38 EXPENSES          MARSHALL & SWIFT/BOECKH LLC                                                     2,110.10  SUPPLIES         MCLEOD'S PRINTING & OFFICE SUP                                                      287.79  CHECKS                  MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                                                                            35.00  REPAIRS          MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                                                      375.00  ROD EQUIP        MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                                                       217.30  INTERNET 
ED MIDGLEY LLC                                                                                        84.00  COURT REPORTER
KEVIN MILLER                                                                                              6.00  MV REFUND
MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                                                          14.50  NATURAL GAS          MORRIS EQUIPMENT LLC                                                                         209.90  FAIRGROUNDS
RONALD NAGLE                                                                                       2,576.00  PROFESSNL FEES
CODY ODEA                                                                                                  25.83  MV REFUND
OLINGER LOVALD MCCAHREN REIMER                                              1,475.37  ATTORNEY FEES
THE PAINT STORE, INC.                                                                           2,160.00  FAIRGROUNDS
CITY OF PIERRE                                                                                          110.00  MEDICAL DIRECTOR   PITNEY BOWES                                                                                           169.11  POSTAGE                       QUILL CORPORATION                                                                             1,494.32  DOE EQUIPMENT
RAMKOTA HOTEL -- ABERDEEN                                                              375.96   LODGING          RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                                                             698.44  PARTS & SUPPLIES 
STANLEY COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT                                           48,500.00  4TH QTR PAYMENT  
SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION                                                            21.72  PHONE                  
SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                                                254.00  BLOOD TEST            SD DEPT. OF CORRECTIONS                                                                      127.50 FAIRGROUNDS
SECURITY LOCK SERVICE                                                                        6.00  DOE SUPPLY                    KARA SEMMLER                                                                                     319.20  ATTORNEY FEES          
SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                                               17.50 SUPPLIES             SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                                               34.88  CLEAN RUNNERS
KAREN SHARP                                                                                         152.56  TRAVEL            
STATE SUPPLY COMPANY                                                                      98.61  REPAIR & MAINT       SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET                                                       1.92  OFFICE SUPPLIES            
TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATIONS                                                   79.50  REPAIRS & MAINT         TITAN ACCESS ACCOUNT                                                                       67.84  FILTERS            
TITZE ELECTRIC INC                                                                              399.34  FAIRGROUNDS 
ULTRA INC                                                                                              252.50  REPAIRS & MAINT           MONA WEIGER                                                                                         19.20  COURT RPTR                    WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                                                          372.78  TIRES & REPAIR
XEROX CORPORATION                                                                          168.49  LEASE & COPIES         ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                                                           360.73  PARTS/SUPPLIES

SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners--$4,159.00; Auditor--$4,787.20; Treasurer--$4,827.20; States Attorney-- $5,331.20; Custodian--$2,304.00; Director of Equalization--$3,699.00; Register of Deeds--$2,704.00;Road and Bridge,--$28,589.58; Community Health Secretary--$1,864.66; WIC Secretary--$378.54; Dakotacare, employee insurance--$13,583.49; SD Retirement System, withheld and match--$6,230.54; Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax--$13,839.16.
AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                            

September  2013
Cash on hand --$1,668.66

Checks, less than 3 days-- $21,827.15                                                                                                                                                           Petty Cash  $215.00                                                                                                                      

First National Bank-- $83,435.10                                                     

MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank  $2,721,116.45                                                                                       

MKKT. ACCT. – American State Bank  $66,926.31                                                                  

SD FIT -- $6,010.49                                                                                                           

NSF Checks-- $291.00

Total -- $2,901,490.16                                                                 

REGISTER OF DEEDS:                                                                                                                      

Regular fees --  September 2013-- $2,612.11
Transfer fees -- September 2013-- $4,040.00                         

TREASURER TRAVEL:  Motion by Booth, second by Scott, to approve Treasurer’s attendance and travel to Pierre for eight (8) to ten (10) certification classes at a rate of $21.00 each.  .  Roll call vote:  Booth—Yea, Deal—Yea, Heckenlaible—Yea, Scott—Yea, and Iversen—Yea.  Motion Carried.

FLU SHOTS:  Motion by Booth, second by Deal, for Stanley County to pay for flu shots given to county employees by the County Health Nurse.   Roll call vote:  Booth—Yea, Deal—Yea, Heckenlaible—Yea, Scott—Yea, and Iversen—Yea.  Motion Carried.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT:  Discussed Bad River Road, installing a STOP sign at Nutters to help control dust,  financing for new motor grader, contract with Haakon County, Mule Deer Road, Mission Ridge Road, culvert on Plum Creek, cleaning ditches, fuel contract, trading gravel for a street with City.  The Highway Department will be working four, 10-hour days commencing October 1, 2013.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:  Rob Fines advised that the school is waiting for final approval for surveillance equipment through a grant from Homeland Security.  Fines is continuing to check into prices, and grants for sirens along Frontier Road.  Fines reminded the Commissioners of the NIMS testing the Commissioners and Auditor are to take online.


FAIRGROUNDS:  Discussed moving second arena, selling panels and pens to pay for the same during a fundraising event, bleacher repair or new bleachers, repairs on roof of Schomer Barn.  Iversen will get bids for work.  Insurance claim has been submitted.  Cronin will winterize plumbing soon.  Discussed what can be done with regard to the pigeon issue.  Discussed what could be charged when private individuals or groups want to use the Schomer barn for team roping classes.  No date has been set for fairgrounds meetings.

VOLUNTEERS:  Dana Iversen and Brian Scott are listed as volunteers for work at the fairgrounds for the month of October, 2013.

ADJOURN:  Motion by Scott, second by Deal, to adjourn at 6:56 p.m. (CDT).  Roll call vote:  Booth—Yea, Deal—Yea, Heckenlaible—Yea, Scott—Yea, and Iversen—Yea.  Motion Carried.

ATTEST:                                                                 BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS


Karen Sharp, Auditor                                                          Dana Iversen, Chairman


Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

