June 7, 2011


June 7, 2011

The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commissioners was called to order at 8:04 a.m. by Chairman Jacobson with Commissioners Booth, Iversen and Scott present. Director of Equalization Don Wiedemer, Highway Superintendent Leo Sullivan, States Attorney Tom Maher, Sheriff Brad Rathbun, Emergency Manager Rob Fines and Auditor Kris Kroll were also present.                                             
AGENDA:  Motion by Scott seconded by Booth to approve the agenda.  All voted aye. Motion carried.
MINUTES:  Motion by Iversen seconded by Scott to approve the minutes of the May 16, 2011 special meeting.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.                                                                                                        
HIGHWAY DEPT:  Sullivan reported that there has been some equipment problems but all have been fixed to this point. Trucks have been hauling and employees working several hours since the flooding began.   An estimated 300,000 yards has come out of the county’s pit thus far.  Jacobson said that planning needs done on the fairgrounds. A pump came in yesterday and is at the shop.  He told Sullivan to coordinate with Brad Lawrence on getting a discharge system set up.  Sullivan stated that weed spraying will begin on Thursday.                                                                                                                          
2011 FLOOD:  Jim Ulmen, Ken Bartholowmew, Phil Meyer, Kim Mortenson, Rob Allison, Tiffany Sanchez, Cindy Meyer, Dale Vizcarra, Rod Vizcarra, Ray Meligan and Larry McQuistion were all present.  Phil Meyer asked if the county has any interest in diverting drainage and/or doing work on a stock dam that has already affected their development. McQuistion said that you have to be cautious when working with dams because of the nature of the soil. Jacobson stated that the entire community will have problems with any rains as storm sewers are blocked.  He suggested possibly putting in a channel to divert water.  Rod Vizcarra was told that the Comm. for the Frontier Road area is Brian Scott. Scott reported that there was no discussion on levees in their area.  Jacobson said that the Corps stated where they were building the levees.  Rod Vizcarra stated that he was told that Brosz Engineering had engineered a plan to go through Echo Point.  Sanchez said that as a homeowner, seeing the work being done in the city, she feels that the county should have gone out and evaluated their situation.  Sullivan stated that he took out 3000 sandbags to the area.  Scott stated that the Comm. does not know what the Corps will do as it’s still unknown at this point.  Meyer asked if the Comm. was aware that WCE had pulled their power 10 days ago.   Jacobson said to remember that infrastructure is priority and that Mini Wachoni has power.  Fines gave the public his number to contact him to eliminate any rumors.  Fines gave basic statistics on snow melt in the mountains above and that it will affect this area. Sanchez is concerned that homeowners need notice if the Corps opens the emergency spillway.  Fines said that they are urging those in control to avoid using the spillway.  Fines reported that Stanley County was added into the Disaster Declaration on May 25, 2011.  He also submitted a request for individual assistance and he is waiting on the approval.  He will research everything further and get back to individuals as he gets the information.  Maher asked if there is anything that they can think of that the county could assist with at this point. Allison said that they have boats in their addition and could use something to tie them to.                                                                                                                                          
FRONT END LOADER BID OPENING:  Jeff Kroll with Butler Machinery, Chad Morgan with Titan Machinery and Ryan Cadwalder with Sheehan Mack Equipment were present.  Bids were opened at 10:04 a.m.  RDO 2011 John Deere 544K $133,980, Option 1 48 mo. $29,124.47, 4.05%, total due $145,622.35, Option 2 60 mo. $24,747.50, 4.05%, total due $148,485.00; Titan Machinery 2011 Case 621E $115,450, Option 1 48 mo. $24,713.52, 3.35%, total due $123,567.60, Option 2 $20,931.24, 3.35%, total due $125,587.44; Sheehan Mack 2011 Volvo L70F $168,950, Option 1 48 mo. $44,328.58 3.113%, total due $177,314.32, Option 2 60 mo. $36,209.07 3.425%, total due $181,045.35; and Butler 2011 Caterpillar 930H $129,285.00, Option 1 48 mo. $33,914.01, 3.299%, total due $135,656.04, Option 2 60 mo. $27,564.20, 3.299%, total due $137,821.00.  Sullivan and States Attorney Maher will look through all the bids. Motion by Booth to hold the bids until the next Comm. meeting, seconded by Scott.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.                                                                                                                                      
MALT BEVERAGE RENEWAL:  10:15 a.m.  This is the time set for a hearing to consider applications for renewal of 2011-2012 malt beverage licenses outside of a municipality in Stanley County.  Motion by Scott, seconded by Booth to approve the applications submitted by Chantier Creek Resort and Oahe Marina & Resort.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Scott to approve the new application for SD Farm Wine licenses for Oahe Marina & Resort.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:  Angela Landeen presented the Hughes and Stanley County Mitigation Plan.  This plan will give the county the opportunity to prevent other disasters in the future.  Motion by Scott, seconded by Booth to approve and sign the Mitigation Plan.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.   
AMR:  Motion by Scott seconded by Iversen to authorize Comm. Booth, to approve any amendments to the AMR contracts upon verbal approval from the other Comm. as long as all other counties involved are in agreement.   All voted aye.  Motion carried.                                                                                                       
2011 FLOOD CONT:  Iversen and Scott will check the facilities at the fairgrounds and decide whether or not anything needs plugged.  Motion by Scott, seconded by Booth to temporarily close the Stanley County Fairgrounds until further notice due to the May, 2011 flood.  All voted Aye. Motion carried.
VACANCY – COMM. 2:  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Scott to table discussion on appointing a new Comm. until a later date.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.                                                                               
2012 BUDGET REQUESTS:  Kroll will set a date in July for budget requests.                                                
CORE LOGIC REQUEST:  No action taken at this time.                                                                                  
ULTRA ANNUAL MEETING:  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Scott to allow county offices to attend the meeting on July 14.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.                                                                                              
SD EXTENSION LETTER:  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Scott to send a letter of intent to SDSU.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.                                                                                                                                  
CASH TRANSFER R&B:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Scott to transfer $275,131.92 from the General Fund to R&B.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.                                                                                            
AUDITOR’S REPORT:  Kroll presented the Comm. with the Fund Cash Balances, Budget Expenditure Reports, Monitoring Compliance and Adjusting Entries for April.                                                         
TREASURER’S REPORT:  Wiedemer delivered the Treasurer’s Report for April.                                   
SURPLUS:  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Scott to surplus the HP Color Laserjet CNWBB25288 printer as trash as it costs more to repair than it’s worth.  All voted aye. Motion carried.                          
AMENDMENT TO POLICY:  Kroll will add to the Personnel Policy: when attending a convention and meals are provided, employees will not submit a voucher to the county for reimbursement for any meals.  To be approved at the next meeting.                                                                                                   
CLAIMS:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Scott to approve all claims.  All voted aye. Motion carried.

AL'S METAL WORK INC                                                    61.48  PARTS FOR WALK & ROLL        

ALLTEL                                                                             41.74  UTILITIES                    

AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE                                1143.35  APRIL 2011 SUBSIDY           

DAYLE ANGYAL                                                          350.00  RENTAL FEE                   

BACKROADS ENTERPRISES                                        499.80 SUPPLIES                     

BLACK HILLS CHEMICAL & JANITOR                          146.54 SUPPLIES                     

Butler Machinery Co.                                                     23.79 SUPPLIES                     

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                        58.00 UTILITIES                    

CAPITAL JOURNAL                                                     619.55  SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL         

CARQUEST                                                                   54.60 SUPPLIES                     

CATLIN'S CAR CLINIC                                                 622.88  PICKUP REPAIR                

CHEMSEARCH                                                             145.00 SUPPLIES                     

COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED CTR.                      1666.67  JUNE SUPPORT                 

COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                       130.06 SUPPLIES                     

Central Culvert Supply                                                641.00 SUPPLIES                     

Chandler's Glass & Recycl                                           42.00 SUPPLIES                     

DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                                       29.71 SUPPLIES                     

DUFFY LAW OFFICE                                                2788.00  COURT APPT ATTY              

BETH DUTT                                                                   52.00  SDAAO CONFERENCE              

EDDIES TRUCK SALES                                                 70.05 SUPPLIES                     

FLEET SERVICES                                                    16213.72 SUPPLIES                     

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                   1305.96  COPIER LEASE                 

GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS                   334.04  911 SERVICES                 

HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                                    5920.00  APRIL 2011 JAIL BILLING      

KLEINS OFFICE PLUS                                                   29.79 SUPPLIES                     

JACK MAGEE                                                             205.00  CRT APPT ATTY JUV            

THOMAS P MAHER                                                   2312.71  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES        

MCLEOD'S PRINTING & OFFICE SUP                             70.44 SUPPLIES                     

MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                                               70.00  REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE        

MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                          375.00  FURNITURE & EQUIP            

MICROFIX, INC.                                                           101.85 SUPPLIES                     

MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                             206.70 UTILITIES                    

MIDWEST COOPERATIVES                                      8804.50  CHEMICALS FOR WEED CONTROL   

MN WIRELESS, LLC                                                     69.00 UTILITIES                    

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                             32.26 UTILITIES                    

PIERRE CITY                                                            6701.43  E-911 SRVS JAN-MARCH 2011    

PIERRE FLOWER SHOP                                            100.00 FLOWERS                      

QUILL CORPORATION                                             847.29 SUPPLIES                     

QWEST COMMUNICATIONS                                    270.43  4 CORNERS REPEATER            

RUNNINGS                                                               436.63 SUPPLIES                     

SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION                           19.65 UTILITIES                    

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                             175.00  BLOOD TESTS                  

SERVALL UNIFORM & LINEN                                    35.68 REPAIRS/MAINT.               

SHARPE ENTERPRISES INC                                  8700.00  CONCRETE PAD                 

STAN & OLLIES CLEANING SERVICE                       60.00  SHAMPOO CARPETS              

SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET                       12.37 SUPPLIES                      

Sutley's Town & Ranch                                           36.19 SUPPLIES                     

TITZE ELECTRIC                                                     188.94  REPAIR PARKING LOT LIGHTS    

ULTRA INC                                                               40.00  SOFTWARE MEETING             

WALMART COMMUNITY                                            7.97 SUPPLIES                     

DONALD WIEDEMER                                              239.50  SDAAO CONFERENCE             

XEROX CORPORATION                                         333.08  COPIER LEASE & COPIES        

Zander Auto Parts                                                 123.58  SUPPLIES                     

SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners, $2882.16; Auditor, $6449.66; Treasurer, $6009.36; States Attorney, $6825.94; Custodian, $3035.35; Director of Equalization, $6833.88; Register of Deeds, $3458.24;Road and Bridge, $32008.44; Community Health Secretary, $2632.56; WIC Secretary, $333.71; Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield, employee insurance, $12754.95; SD Retirement System, withheld and match, $5874.94; SD Supplemental Retirement, employee contribution, $40.00;  Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax, $11343.66                                                                                                                     

AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                             

May  2011                                                                                                                                                                              

Cash on hand  $878.65                                                                                                    

Checks, less than 3 days               $16001.33                                                                                          
Petty Cash  $200.00                                                                                                                   

First National Bank  $41771.22                                                                                                    

MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank  $3134835.21
MKKT. ACCT. – American State Bank  $65982.74                                                                

SD FIT  $6006.13                                                                                                               

Total  $3265834.84                                                                                                              

REGISTER OF DEEDS:                                                                                                                           

Regular fees, May 2011  $1779.04 
 Transfer fees, May 2011  $4764.00                      

ADJOURNMENT:  Meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m.

ATTEST:                                                                BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS

Kristi Kroll, Auditor                                                D.D. Jacobson, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

