January 7, 2014



JANUARY 7, 2014


The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commissioners was called to order at 5:15 p.m. (CST) by Chairman Iversen with Commissioners Dennis Booth, Scott Deal, Ron Heckenlaible and Brian Scott present.  Auditor Karen Sharp, State’s Attorney Tom P. Maher, Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, Highway Superintendent Leo Sullivan, Emergency Management Director Rob Fines, Director of Equalization Ron Nagle, Lura Kirkpatrick and Clint Alleman of the 4-Corners Fire Department were also present.  The meeting commenced with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


AGENDA:  Motion by Scott, second by Heckenlaible, to approve the Agenda.  All Voted Aye.


MINUTES:  Motion by Deal, second by Booth, to approve the Minutes of December 19, 2103.  All Voted Aye.


OPERATING TRANSFER:  Motion by Heckenlaible, second by Scott, for an operating transfer from the General Fund to Emergency Management Fund in the sum of $6,675.00.  All Voted Aye.


Discussion of pending contract with Wild Card Rodeo.  Commissioner Deal will look into the matter.


All business having been transacted for 2013, it was moved by Heckenlaible, second by Deal, to adjourn business for 2013.  All Voted Aye.


The Board Convened for the first (1st) meeting of 2014 at 5:29 p.m. (CST)


ORGANIZATION OF BOARD:  Deal, moved, second by Heckenlaible, to nominate Scott for Chairman.  All Voted Aye.  Motion by Booth, second by Deal, that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Scott as Chairman for 2014.  All Voted Aye.


Motion by Heckenlaible, second by Booth, to nominate Deal for Vice Chairman.  All Voted Aye.  Motion by Iversen, second by Heckenlaible, that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Deal as Vice Chairman for 2014.  All Voted Aye.


CLAIMS:  Motion by Iversen, second by Deal, to approve the Claims as presented.  All Voted Aye.


AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE INC                              1,237.50 MONTHLY SUBSIDY

BIRMINGHAM & CWACH LAW OFFICE                               157.04   PROF SRVC       

BOWLES SHAWN                                                                               35.00  LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP    

BUREAU OF HUMAN RESOURCES                               21.00  TREASURER TRAINING               

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                                          62.75   TRASH BLLNG

WICK COMMUNICATIONS                                                            279.81  MH DELINQUENT TAXES          

CENTRAL SD ENHANCEMENT DISTRIC                               6,133.00  PROGRAM FEES 2014             

CENTURYLINK                                                                                  240.86  TELEPHONE               

COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED CTR                                  1,666.67  JANUARY SUPPORT         

COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                                         56.75 GAS              

D.A.V. CHAPTER 18                                                                          600.00  DAV VAN 2014                 

DIVISION AGRICULTURAL SERVICES                                     120.00  WEED/PEST TRAINING                 

DUFFY LAW OFFICE                                                                        300.00  ANNUAL LEASE AGREEMENT       

FORT PIERRE FIRE DEPT                                                        14,962.50  1ST QTR PAYMENT              

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                                             11.77  CHN COPIER LEASE/COPIES    

                                                                                                              1,827.99  UTILITIES        

FOUR CORNERS FIRE DEPTMENT                                             4,662.50  1ST QTR PAYMENT              

GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS                                 334.04  E-911                         

LORI J GRODE                                                                                        36.40  COURT REPORTER               

JC OFFICE SUPPLY                                                                                 11.85  AUD OFFICE SUPPLIES          

THOMAS P MAHER                                                                      3,146.16  MONTHLY EXPENSES

MCLEOD'S PRINTING & OFFICE SUP                            68.20  DIR OF EQUAL SUPPLIES        

MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                                                                 35.00  AUD REPAIRS & MAINT          

MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                                          217.30  OFFICE INTERNET              

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                           565.25  GOV BLDG NATURAL GAS

RONALD NAGLE                                                                                  257.60  DOE PROF SRVCS        

OLINGER LOVALD MCCAHREN REIMER                                 575.20  COURT APPT ATTY                      

DARLIS D PERRY                                                                               405.00  ALCOHOL BLOOD TESTS          

CITY OF PIERRE                                                                                 110.00  MEDICAL DIRECTOR AGREEMENT   

PITNEY BOWES INC                                                                         136.95  POSTAGE METER RENTAL         

PITNEY BOWES                                                                                    865.96  POSTAGE                      

QUILL CORPORATION                                                          3.99  GOV BLDG SUPPLIES            

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                                      54.79  GOV BLDG SUPPLIES            

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                                  1,720.00  ALCOHOL BLOOD TESTS          

SD PUBLIC ASSURANCE ALLIANCE                          39,104.03  INSURANCE                    

SDML WORKERS COMP FUND                                   16,764.45  WORKMENS COMP INSURANCE      

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                                      242.34  GOV BLDG SUPPLIES              

SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET                                              17.32  GOV BLDG SUPPLIES            

MONA WEIGER                                                                                       95.00  COURT REPORTER




SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners--$4,159.00 Auditor--$4,867.20; Treasurer--$4,872.46; States Attorney-- $5,331.20; Custodian--$2,341.01; Director of Equalization--$2,535.00; Register of Deeds--$2,704.00 ;Road and Bridge,--$22,877.07; Community Health Secretary--$2,222.17; WIC Secretary--$252.36; Employee Health Insurance--$12,784.98; SD Retirement System, withheld and match--$5,755.68; Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax--$11,879.60.


AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                            

December,  2013                                                                                                                                                                     

Cash on hand --$784.88

Checks, less than 3 days-- $10,079.45                                                                                                                                                                               Petty Cash  $215.00                                                                                                                     

First National Bank-- $60,455.76                                                      

MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank  $2,996.967.37                                                                                       

MKKT. ACCT. – American State Bank  $67,009.77                                                                  

SD FIT -- $6,010.94                                                                                                           

Total -- $3,141,523.17                                                                         


REGISTER OF DEEDS:                                                                                                                      

Regular fees December 2013 -- $2,008.78                                                                                                                         

Transfer fees December 2013 -- $667.00                  


HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT:  Sullivan advised that employees would be attending required MSHA training in Pierre on January 8, 2014.  Discussion was had as to how many hours per day the highway employees were to work.  Sullivan presented figures for purchasing a used pickup from federal surplus versus buying new off of state bid.  


EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:  Director Rob Fines advised that the Hughes County Commission had appointed him as Emergency Management Director for another year.


PROPERTY VALUATIONS AND TAXES were discussed with Ron Nagle, Director of Equalization.


BOARD APPOINTMENTS:  Chairman Scott made the following new board appointments for 2014 with all other boards to remain the same unless a change has been noted, to-wit:  WEED & PEST:  Scott Deal; CENTRAL SD ENHANCEMENT:  Brian Scott; VETERAN’S MEMORIAL:  Dana Iversen and Scott Deal.


Salaries and Wages 2014:  Motion by Booth, second by Deal, to adopt Salary Resolution #2014-01.  All Voted Aye.



WHEREAS, SDCL requires the Board of County Commissioners to designate the number of Deputies and Clerks and to set their salaries.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Stanley County Commissioners,  that the salary of all new employees be set upon hiring.  Judges and Clerks of Elections, $9.10 per hour, $10.00 for Election schooling, plus mileage for rural Election workers;  Mileage rate for all county employees, 37 cents per mile;  Commissioners have the option of participation in the health insurance plan at their own expense. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all highway maintenance employees will work five (5), 8-hour days. The following salaries shall be paid effective first payroll of 2014:  Dennis Booth, Commissioner, $9,921.60; Scott Deal, Commissioner, $9,921.60; Ronnie Heckenlaible, Commissioner, $9,921.60; Dana Iversen, Commissioner, $9,921.60; Brian Scott, Commissioner, $9,921.60; Thomas P. Maher, States Attorney, $41,184.00; Karen Sharp, Auditor, $36,192.00; Peggy Dougherty, Treasurer, $35,152.00; Beverly Stoeser, Register of Deeds, $36,192.00; Ron Nagle, Director of Equalization, $35,526.40; Leo Sullivan, Highway Superintendent, $44,324.80;

The following salaries shall be paid effective first payroll of 2014:  Philena Edwards, Deputy Auditor, $14.02 per hour; Ricky Sass, Custodian, $14.90 per hour; Dawn Sass, Deputy Treasurer, $14.52 per hour; James Roberts, Deputy Director of Equalization/Field Appraiser, $13.50 per hour; Nancy Lemieux, Assistant Director of Equalization, $13.00; Bonnie Nickels, CHN Secretary, $14.52 per hour; Thomas Richardson, Highway Supervisor, $16.57 per hour; Jerry Rada, Equipment Operator, $16.42 per hour; Larry O’Daniel, Equipment Operator, $16.42 per hour; Reed Stoeser, Equipment Operator, $16.42 per hour; Patrick Prince, Truck Driver, $16.42 per hour; Isaac Jacobsen, Equipment Operator, $16.42 per hour; Michele Lopour, Highway Bookkeeper, $14.52 per hour; Christina Whitley, States Attorney Secretary, $14.52 per hour.

Dated this 7th day of January 2014.

ATTEST:                                                                               BOARD of STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS

Karen Sharp, Auditor                                                          Brian Scott, Chairman


OFFICIAL BANK DEPOSITORIES: Motion by Iversen, second by Booth, to adopt Resolution 2014-02 designating Bank Depositories.  All Voted Aye.



BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Stanley County Commissioners that the bank depositories for 2014 will be as follows:  American State Bank, Pierre, SD;  BankWest, Pierre, SD;  Dakota Prairie State Bank, Fort Pierre, SD;  First National Bank, Fort Pierre and Pierre, SD;  SD FIT (South Dakota Public Funds Investment Trust), Fort Pierre, SD; US Bank, Pierre, SD;  Wells Fargo Bank, Pierre, SD.

Dated this 7th day of January 2014.

ATTEST:                                                                               BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS

Karen K. Sharp, Auditor                                                     Brian Scott, Chairman


DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER:   Motion by Deal, second by Hackenlaible, to adopt Resolution 2014-03 Designating Official Newspaper.  All Voted Aye.



WHEREAS, the law requires that an official newspaper be designated for the county.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Stanley County Commissioners that the official newspaper for 2014 be the Capital Journal.

Dated this 7th day of January, 2014.

ATTEST:                                                                               BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS

Karen K. Sharp, Auditor                                                     Brian Scott, Chairman


BURIAL AND FUNERAL ASSISTANCE:  Motion by Booth, second by Heckenlaible, to adopt Resolution 2014-04 setting forth Burial and Funeral Assistance.  All Voted Aye.



For those County residents who die in a state of indigence or who are otherwise qualified under SDCL 28-17

BE IT RESOLVED that Stanley County shall allow burial and funeral expenses as follows:  One Thousand and NO/100 Dollars ($1,000.00) burial fees and the opening and closing of the grave.  Any requests for County burial assistance shall be made prior to the services, whenever practical.  It shall be the duty of the Commissioner in whose district the decedent had established residency to determine if the resident was indigent at the time of death if it is not possible for the entire Board to meet prior to the time of the internment.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Stanley County Commissioners will follow all guidelines set out in Stanley County’s Welfare Guidelines for burial assistance as per Chapter 13 of the Welfare Guidelines for Stanley County.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the aforementioned amounts shall be for the year 2014.

Dated this 7th day of January, 2014.

ATTEST:                                                                               Stanley County Board of Commissioners

Karen K. Sharp, Auditor                                                     Brian Scott, Chairman


CLAIMS:  Motion by Iversen, second by Heckenlaible, to adopt Resolution 2014-05 Claims.  All Voted Aye.



WHEREAS certain entities require the payment of funds by the 15th day of each month or payment within a certain time frame; and

WHEREAS many of these claims are received after the Board of Commissioners’ monthly meeting; and

WHEREAS interest or a penalty might apply if these claims are not paid within the specified time;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Auditor is hereby given the authority to pay such claims without the Commissioners’ approval providing the claims are presented at the next regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners.

Dated this 7th day of January, 2014.

ATTEST:                                                                                               Stanley County Board of Commissioners

Karen K. Sharp, Auditor                                                                    Brian Scott, Chairman


TRAVEL AND CONFERENCE:  Motion by Deal, second by Booth, to adopt Resolution 2014-06 Travel and Conference.  All Voted Aye.



WHEREAS County Commissioners, Auditor, Register of Deeds, Treasurer, State’s Attorney, County Coroner, Director of Equalization, Highway Superintendent, and Assistants and/or Deputies as determined by Elected Official or Department Head, are hereby authorized to attend educational conferences, meetings and conventions held and conducted within or without the State of South Dakota pertaining to the betterment and advancement of County government per statute SDCL 7-7-25; and

WHEREAS the Stanley County Board of Commissioners has set the mileage and conference expense for the county offices;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Stanley County will pay up to $26.00 per day for meals.  Meals are reimbursed when overnight travel is required at $5.00 for breakfast (leaving before 5:31 a.m.; returning after 7:59 a.m.); $9.00 for lunch (leaving before 11:31 a.m.; returning after 12:59 p.m.); and $12.00 for dinner (leaving before 5:31 p.m.; returning after 7:59 p.m.).  There shall be no reimbursement for meals when they are provided as part of the meeting.  Mileage shall be at the state rate of $0.37 per mile.  Motel rooms shall be paid at actual cost.

Dated this 7th day of January, 2014.

ATTEST:                                                                               STANLEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

Karen K. Sharp, Auditor                                                     Brian Scott, Chairman


OFFICIAL PLACES OF SALE:  Motion by Iversen, second by Heckenlaible, to designate the Courthouse, Fairgrounds and County Highway Shop as official places of sale for Stanley County.  All Voted Aye.


DEPARTMENT PURCHASE POLICY:  Motion by Deal, second by Booth, that prior approval is needed from the Board of County Commissioners by an Elected Official or Department Head for the purchase of any item costing $500.00 or more and $1,500.00 or more by the Highway Department.  All Voted Aye.


FAIRGROUNDS:  Discussion on insurance for youth using facilities; insurance claim for hail, etc., and development of a job description for a Fairgrounds Manager position.


FOUR-CORNERS FIRE DEPARTMENT LEASE:  Motion by Heckenlaible, second by Iversen, to approve the Occupancy Agreement for 2014 and to authorize Chairman Scott to sign the same.  All Voted Aye.


ASSIGNMENT OF FUNDS – LAW ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE:  Motion by Iversen, second by Booth, to Assign $8,375.000 in General Fund Balance for future acquisition of Law Enforcement vehicle.  All Voted Aye.


4-CORNERS FIRE DEPT. VEHICLE:  Motion by Deal, second by Iversen, to Assign $7,500.00 in General Fund Balance for future acquisition of a vehicle at 4-Corners Fire Department.  All Voted Aye.


HUGHES COUNTY CONTRACT FOR JUVENILE SERVICES:  Motion by Booth, second by Iversen, to approve and authorize Chairman Scott to sign the Hughes County Contract for Juvenile Services.  All Voted Aye.


POLITICAL CAMPAIGN POLICY:  Motion by Deal, second by Heckenlaible, that the Board of Stanley County Commissioners shall prohibit any political campaigning within 100’ of the Stanley County Courthouse, or any other location within the County that has been established for early absentee voting, for the period of time that early absentee voting is being conducted for an election which is administered by the Auditor’s office.  All Voted Aye.


DIRECTOR OF EQUALIZATION OFFICE ASSISTANT:  Motion by Heckenlaible, second by Iversen, to approve the hiring of Nancy Lemieux as Director of Equalization Office Assistant, effective December 26, 2013, at $13.00 per hour, with three (3) fifty (50) cent raises every six (6) months for 18 months, to-wit:  July 4, 2014; January 2, 2015; and July 3, 2015, plus any cost of living raises given to other county employees, excluding pay raise given on January 3, 2014.  All Voted Aye.


ANNUAL REPORT WORKSHOP:   Motion by Heckenlaible, second by Deal, to authorize Auditor Sharp and Deputy Auditor Edwards to attend the Annual Report Workshop in Mitchell, SD, on January 22, 2014.  All Voted Aye.


WEED AND PEST TRAINING: Motion by Iversen, second by Heckenlaible, to authorize Pat Prince to attend Weed & Pest Training on January 3 and 22, 2014, and to authorize payment for the same.  All Voted Aye.


HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TRAINING:  Motion by Booth, second by Heckenlaible, to authorize Highway Department employees to attend MSHA training on January 8, 2014, in Pierre, SD.  All Voted Aye.


ADOURN:  Motion by Iversen, second by Deal, to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. (CST).  All Voted Aye.


ATTEST:                                                                               BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS




_____________________________________          ______________________________________________

Karen Sharp, Auditor                                                          Brian Scott, Chairman



Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

