February 3, 2015


February 3, 2015


The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 5:10pm (CDT) by Chairman Scott Deal with Commissioners Dennis Booth, Dana Iversen, Craig Heller and Sonny Harrowa present. Also present were State’s Attorney Tom P Maher, Highway Superintendent Kelly McCollam, Register of Deeds Bev Stoeser, Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, County Health Nurse Carmella Bourke, Coroner Gary Grittner, Brian Scott, Chuck Humphrey, Capital Journal Sid Pranke and Auditor Philena Edwards. The meeting commenced with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


AGENDA: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller, to approve the Agenda. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.


MINUTES: Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Sonny Harrowa, to approve correction to the January 3 Minutes, the Four Corners Fire Truck this is going to surplus is a 1978, not 1967. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller to approve the January 3rd Minutes with the correction. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Craig Heller to approve the January 27th Minutes. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


CLAIMS: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Dana Iversen to approve Claims as presented. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


AMERICAN STAMP & MARKETING                         109.30  AUD SUPPL                    

DIANE ARHART                                                              45.00  MV REFUND                    

AT&T MOBILITY                                                           144.08  CELL PHONES                  

BEXAR COUNTY AUDITOR                                      1380.00  AUTOPSY – YOUNG

BOYER TRUCKS                                                          2000.00  DEPOSIT FOR TRUCK              

BUTLER MACHINERY CO                                         2011.15  PARTS/SUPPLIES               

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                       63.75  TRASH BILLING 12/22-1/25     

WICK COMMUNICATIONS                                          296.26  ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS       

CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERVICES                   30167.91  140 M2 AWD PAYMENT           

CENTURYLINK                                                                 85.28  4 CORNERS REPEATER           

CENTURYLINK                                                               241.16  OFFICE PHONE SYSTEM          

CHRISTY LUMBER                                                          17.33  DOE SUPPLIES                 

COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED, INC.                  1666.67  FEBRUARY 2015 SUPPORT       

COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                         59.05  INVOICE #104133 DOE          

DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                                        18.39  ROD SUPPLIES                 

DIAMOND MOWERS INC                                             424.86  PARTS/SUPPLIES               

EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                                                160.64  PARTS/SUPPLIES               

PHILENA EDWARDS                                                     120.74  ANNUAL REPORT WORKSHOP       

MARV EKEREN                                                                15.00  MENTAL ILL PROF SERVICE      

FLEET SERVICES                                                         8171.44  FUEL/GAS                     

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                           8.13  CHN COPIER LEASE & COPIES    

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                     1908.74  UTILITIES     

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                      221.66  CARE OF POOR 

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                  19725.68  DUE TO CITY OF FORT PIERRE               


FRIMAN OIL & GAS CO INC                                      524.79  FUEL 

ROGER FULLER                                                         1846.08  DOE PROF SERVICE 

ROGER FULLER                                                         2077.60  DOE PROF SERVICE                     

GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS            334.04  E-911                        

GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR                986.40  PARTS/SUPPLIES               

HOGEN'S HARDWARE HANK                                  208.07  GOV BLDG SUPPL               

HUGHES COUNTY FINANCE OFFICE                   6480.00  DECEMBER 2014 JAIL BILL      

INLAND TRUCK PARTS                                            756.23  PARTS/SUPPLIES               

LUCY LEWNO                                                             150.49  MENTAL ILL PROF SERVICE      

BRENDA LOUNSBURY                                               60.00  ALCOHOL BLOOD TEST           

LYLE SIGNS  INC                                                         31.00  FIRE/RESIDENCE MARKERS       

THOMAS P MAHER                                                 3848.29  JANUARY 2015 EXPENSES        

MCLEOD'S PRINTING & OFFICE SUP                      68.39  DOE SUPPLIES                 

MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                                           80.00  DOE REPAIRS & MAINT          

MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                   375.00  ROD EQUIPMENT RENT           

MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                     217.30  OFFICE INTERNET              

MIDLAND AREA EMS                                                525.00  2015 ANNUAL SUPPORT          

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                     1003.50  GOV BLDG NATURAL GAS         

MORRIS INC                                                               1672.98  COMMERCIAL REFUND            

NAPA                                                                               29.57  PARTS/SUPPLIES               

NE SD COMM ACTN PRGM                                     5000.00  URBAN & RURAL DEV-GROW SD    

CITY OF PIERRE                                                        5789.45  E-911 SRVCS JAN-MAR          

PITNEY BOWES                                                           973.33  POSTAGE                      

POWERPLAN                                                                127.72  PARTS/SUPPLIES               

PRO BUILD HOLDINGS LLC                                       17.35  REPAIR OFFICE DOOR           

QUILL CORPORATION                                               463.04  SUPPLIES                     

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                            323.51  SUPPLIES

SD ASS’N OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                          124.00  DUE TO COUNTY ASSOC-$2                    


SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                            1685.00  ALCOHOL BLOOD TESTS

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                          57272.99  MV & VITALS         


SDML WORKERS COMPENSATION FUND          15497.90  2015 RENEWAL                 

KARA SEMMLER                                                          323.93  CRT APPT ATTRNY                 

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                  27.56  CLEAN RUNNERS                

DAWN SMITH                                                                   9.00  MV REFUND  

STANLEY COUNTY SCHOOL DIST                      41513.85  DUE TO SC SCHOOL 

STANLEY COUNTY TREASURER                                 5.00  ADMIN FEES               

KAREN SWANDA                                                           15.00  MENTAL ILL PROF SERVICE      

BILL SWISHER                                                                21.00  MV REFUND                    

TITAN MACHINERY                                                      65.75  PARTS/SUPPLIES               

WEED & PEST CONFERENCE                                    220.00  2015 W&P CONFERENCE          

WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE                         344.04  REFUND OCONNER               

WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                                 35.00  TIRE REPAIR                  

XEROX CORPORATION                                               265.64  AUD/DOE COPIER LEASE & COPYS

YANKTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT                        25.00  JUDICIAL SHERIFF FEE          

ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                                 155.17  SUPPLIES


AUDITOR AND TREASURER REPORTS: The Treasurers report was reviewed. The Auditors report was unavailable.


CORONOR: Gary Grittner gave the Coroners Year End Report. It included a total of 4 calls for the year total expenses equaling $2,956.36 with one outstanding bill for an autopsy. Gary also stated that he would like to appoint an additional Deputy Coroner who resides in Stanley County.


ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union): The County received a letter from ACLU with a dozen questions ranging from; ‘How much money is budgeted annually for indigent representation?’ To ‘What steps does the county take to ensure that indigent representation receives funding comparable to that of the state’s attorney’s office?’ Tom P Maher gathered information and figures and will send a response by the end of the week.


SALARY PROPOSAL: Chuck Humphrey presented a salary schedule showing the different stages of percent (%) pay raises instead of a flat amount. Chuck’s recommendation is to get all the department heads together, make sure the class code is correct and agree on how many steps we want to have. These figures are based on a yearly evaluation. We will review the proposal and discuss more at a later date.


EXECUTIVE SESSION – Personnel, SDCL 1-25-2(1):  Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Dennis Booth to go into Executive Session at 5:35pm. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Craig Heller, to reconvene at 6:06pm. Chuck will write up job announcement for highway secretary.


RESOLUTION FOR SALARIES AND WAGES 2015: Tom P Maher spoke regarding raises for all county employees, with the exception of Kelly McCollam, Roger Fuller and Philena Edwards. Carmella Bourke pointed out the Bonnie Nickels has been with the county for 35 years in December 2014. Congratulations Bonnie!

Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Dennis Booth, to adopt Resolution 2015-01 Salary Resolution. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.




WHEREAS, SDCL requires the Board of County Commissioners to designate the number of Deputies and Clerks and to set their salaries.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Stanley County Commissioners, that the salary of all new employees be set upon hiring. Judges and Clerks of Elections, $9.10 per hour, $10.00 for Election schooling, plus mileage for rural Election workers; Mileage rate for all county employees, 37 cents per mile; Commissioners have the option of participation in the health insurance plan at their own expense.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all highway maintenance employees will work five (5),

8-hour days.


The following salaries shall be paid effective first payroll of 2015: Dennis Booth, Commissioner, $9,921.60; Scott Deal, Commissioner, $9.921.60; Sonny Harrowa, Commissioner, $9,921.60; Dana Iversen, Commissioner, $9,921.60; Craig Heller, Commissioner, $9,921.60; Thomas P. Maher, State’s Attorney, $45,000.00; Philena Edwards, Auditor, $45,000.00; Peggy Dougherty, Treasurer, $45,000.00; Beverly Stoeser, Register of Deeds, $45,000.00; Kelly McCollam, Highway Superintendent/Weed & Pest Supervisor, $55,000.00;


The following salaries shall be paid effective first payroll of 2015: Ricky Sass, Custodian, $15.90 per hour; Dawn Sass, Deputy Treasurer, $15.52 per hour; Nancy Lemieux, Assistant Director of Equalization, $15.00 per hour; Bonnie Nickels, CHN/WIC Secretary, $15.52 per hour; Thomas Richardson, Highway Supervisor, $17.82 per hour; Jerry Rada, Equipment Operator, $17.67 per hour; Larry O’Daniel, Equipment Operator, $17.67 per hour; Reed Stoeser, Equipment Operator, $17.67 per hour; Patrick Prince, Truck Driver, $17.67 per hour; Kirby O’Dea, Truck Driver, $16.00 per hour; Cort Riggle, Equipment Operator, $16.50 per hour; Christina Whitley, State’s Attorney Secretary, $15.52 per hour.


Dated this 3rd day of February 2015.

ATTEST                                              BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS

Philena Edwards, Auditor                  Scott Deal, Chairman


SDPAA Contract: This is a renewal of the counties insurance. Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Dana Iversen to renew this contract. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


FISCAL YEAR 2015 WIC Contract Amendment: Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Craig Heller to accept and sign the Amendment between Stanley County and the South Dakota Department of Health, WIC Program for Fiscal Year 2015. The purpose of the amendment is to provide additional dollars in the contract for clerical support for the WIC Program.


UPCOMING WORKSHOPS: County Commissioners and Welfare Official Workshop will be held March 18 & 19 in Pierre. Dawn Sass, Welfare Director will be attending. Dennis Booth, Commissioner will try to re-arrange his schedule to attend. There is also a New Officials Workshop March 18 & 19 in Pierre. Philena Edwards, Auditor and Peggy Dougherty, Treasurer will be attending.


DISCUSSION: Kelly McCollam, Highway Superintendent, and Bob Bak, Bak Construction, went to look at the Gertonson Pit, need to find gravel.

The highway department is looking at a used paddle scraper. The benefits of this type of machine is that one operator, one machine, you can load yourself, a push cat is not needed.

Also looking at belly dumps that will haul 34 ton legal, would like to eliminate the pups. Pulling the pup they are hauling 12 & 24 ton, it takes longer to go rounds. With the bigger belly dumps, they will be able to make more rounds in less time.

Kelly also brought in a road sign that had been put up less than a month ago and it is already shot up. The sign was 4 miles north on Hayes Road.


Fairgrounds: Would like to put fence up with swinging gates and locks on them for better security. Brian Scott stated for a 6’ woven wire, 14 gauge fence would cost $6,000.00. Need to put a culver in at the south end of Lily Park. Will contact the Fairgrounds Board and set up a meeting to discuss thoughts on the fence and security.


ADJOURN: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Sonny Harrowa to adjourn at 6:53pm. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


ATTEST:                                             BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS


 Philena Edwards, Auditor                  Scott Deal, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

