December 4, 2012



DECEMBER 4, 2012

The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commissioners was called to order at 8:06 a.m. (CST) by Chairman Dennis Booth with Commissioners Marsha Davenport, Dana Iversen, D. D. Jacobson and Brian Scott present.  Highway Superintendent Leo Sullivan, 4-H Youth Program Advisor Mark Rowen, Emergency Management Director Rob Fines, Director of Equalization Beth Dutt, Auditor Karen Sharp, Lance Nixon, Jerry Kleinsasser, David Neuharth, Lura Kirkpatrick and Vern Thorson were also present.

AGENDA:  Motion by Scott, second by Davenport, to approve Amended Agenda.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

MINUTES:  Motion by Scott, second by Iversen, to approve Minutes of November 8, 2012.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

CLAIMS:  Motion by Iversen, second by Scott, to approve the claims as presented.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

TARA L. ADAMSKI                                                       2,602.42  COURT APPT ATTORNEY    AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE INC                       1,143.35  AMBULANCE CONTRACT            
AT&T MOBILITY                                                               47.40  CELL PHONE                   
BACKROADS ENTERPRISES                                          614.96  SHOP TOWELS 
BAUMANN LUMBER                                                       671.25  MV                
BOTTOM LINE WELDING                                                 32.50  WELDING SERVICES             
BROWN & SAENGER                                                       473.26  ELECTION SUPPLIES            
BUTLER MACHINERY CO                                              192.60  MOTORGRADER PARTS/SUPPLIES  CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                         125.50  TRASH PICK UP                
CAPITAL AREA COUNSELING INC                                986.00  QMHP EVAL                    
CAPITAL JOURNAL                                                       1,817.81  PUBLICATIONS                 
CENTRAL SD ENHANCEMENT DISTRIC                     6,073.68  PROGRAM FEES 2013             CENTURYLINK                                                                 656.52  PHONE SERVICES               
CHRISTY LUMBER                                                           139.45  SNOW FENCE SUPPLIES           COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED CTR.                      1,666.67  DEC 2012 SUPPORT             
BOB COVERDALE                                                              56.65  PLANNING & VOZING             COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                             88.89  DOE SUPPLIES                 
BONITA CRAWFORD                                                         52.22  JUROR FEES                   
DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                                            40.04  REG OF DEEDS SUPPLIES         MARSHA DAVENPORT                                                      40.00  PLANNING & ZONING            
PAT DOUGHERTY                                                               47.40  PLANNING & ZONING             BRENDA DUNN                                                                   51.48  JUROR FEES                   
EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                                                     327.94  TRUCK PARTS                  
ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE                              1,853.72  ELECTION EXPENSES            
RON ERICKSON JR                                                               20.00  JUDICIAL TRAVEL              
KEITH ERICKSON                                                                 20.00  JUDICIAL TRAVEL               EXTREME TECHNOLOGY                                                  178.57  TREASURES SUPPLIES           
WADE FISCHER                                                                2,046.26  STATES COURT APPT ATTY        FLEET SERVICES                                                              5,752.69  DYED FUEL & GAS              
FORT PIERRE CITY                                                             104.14  IMPOUND DOG                  
FORT PIERRE CITY                                                           1,020.05  SC SHOP UTIL 
FORT PIERRE CITY                                                       321,434.56  DUE TO CITY NOV 2012                KRISTIN GILKERSON                                                           10.74  JUDICIAL JURORS              
GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS                       334.04  911 SERVICES & FEES          
GRAND RENTAL STATION                                                440.00  CHIPPER RENTAL-BAD RIVER RD   GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR                          557.65  JOHN DEERE PARTS              VIRGINIA HARMON                                                            10.74  JUDICIAL JURORS               BARBARA HARVEY                                                            81.08  JUDICIAL JURORS              
HOGEN'S HARDWARE HANK                                             58.64  GOV BUILDING SUPPLIES         HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                                        7,035.00  2012  EMS AGREEMENT AND JAIL       HUGHES CO EMERGENCY & DISASTER                        300.00  ANTENNA SITE LEASE            LAVONA KIRKPATRICK                                                   50.74  JUDICIAL JURORS              
LURA KIRKPATRICK                                                       181.60  WEED & PEST BRD              
KLEINS OFFICE PLUS                                                        73.31  OFFICE SUPPLIES              
KLEINS OFFICE PLUS                                                        66.94  ELECTION SUPPLIES             ELIZABETH LARSON                                                         50.74  JUDICIAL JURORS              
LAWSON PRODUCTS INC                                                 87.99  SHOP SUPPLIES                
SHAUN LEAFGREEN                                                          40.00  PLANNING & ZONING  
STEVE LEHRKAMP                                                           985.70  REPLACEMENT CHECK          LINCOLN COUNTY                                                            82.30  MENTAL ILLNESS 
MAHER PARTNERSHIP                                                    460.00  CARE OF POOR             
THOMAS P MAHER                                                        2,797.83  SC STATES ATTY               
JOHN MELIGAN                                                                  50.74  JUDICIAL JURORS               MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                             375.00  MICROFILM IMAGING            
MID DAKOTA VEGETATION MNGT                            25,000.00  VEGETATION SPRAYING           MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                               661.90 UTILITIES                    
MN WIRELESS LLC                                                            138.00  2 MONTH INTERNET    
MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                                184.04  NATURAL GAS                  
DAVID NEUHARTH                                                             75.90  WEED & PEST 
SHANE OLIVIER                                                                   22.81  MV                
DARLIS D PERRY                                                                315.00  BLOOD ALCOHOL                
CITY OF PIERRE                                                                  110.00  MEDICAL DIRECTOR     
NICOLE PRINCE                                                                    32.20  JUDICIAL JURORS              
PAT PRINCE                                                                           15.00  WEED & PEST BRD              
QUILL CORPORATION                                                      1,036.90  COPY PAPER                   
RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES                                                 7.26  AUDITORS SUPPLIES             RESERVE ACCOUNT                                                            215.60  PITNEY BOWES                  RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                                      562.76  PARTS & SUPPLIES              RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                                        14.91  GOV BUILDING SUPPLIES         GONZALO SANCHEZ                                                              10.74  JUDICIAL JURORS             
KIP SCOTT                                                                               20.00  JUDICIAL TRAVEL   SDACO                                                                                    120.00  COUNTY ASSN NOV 2012            
SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION                                      10.76  BIT                          
SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                      16,412.35  LEGISLATIVE AUDIT 
SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                      46,589.17  MV
SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                          120.00  VITALS          
SECURITY LOCK SERVICE                                                   214.60  MX HIGH SECURITY              SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                             31.64  CLEAN RUNNERS - RUGS          STANLEY COUNTY SCHOOL DIST                                893,039.22  DUE SCHOOL NOV 2012
STANLEY COUNTY TREASURER                                          10.00  ADMIN FEES
MATTHEW STOESER                                                               57.40  JUDICIAL JUROR               
JODY SWANSON                                                                      10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               
JULIE THELEN                                                                          50.00  JUDICIAL JUROR 
STANLEY THORSON                                                                83.30  JUDICIAL JUROR               
TIM TIBBS                                                                                 55.18  JUDICIAL JUROR               
TITAN ACCESS ACCOUNT                                                    130.58  BACKHOE PARTS                
KIM VAN DEN HEMEL                                                             20.00  JUDICIAL TRAVEL               DANIEL WALDRON                                                                  29.24  JUDICIAL JUROR               
ILA WIEDEMER                                                                         10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               
WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                                          224.41  TIRE SERVICE                 
RACHEL WYLY                                                                         15.18  JUDICIAL JUROR                
XEROX CORPORATION                                                           189.89  WORKCENTRE 7120               RANDY YOST                                                                             72.20  WEED & PEST                   ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                                            331.36  SHOP PARTS/SUPPLIES   

SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners, $3,693.35; Auditor, $4,467.20; Treasurer, $4,533.68; States Attorney $5,170.69; Custodian, $2,411.65; Director of Equalization, $4,419.20; Register of Deeds, $2,624.00; Road and Bridge $21,835.10; Community Health Secretary, $2,203.76; WIC Secretary $243.36; Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield, employee insurance, $14,679.26; SD Retirement System, withheld and match, $5,749.14; SD Supplemental Retirement, employee contribution, $1,770.00;  Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax, $5,338.39.

AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                            

November,  2012                                                                                                                                                 

Cash on hand  $1,637.38
Bad Check $200.00
Checks, less than 3 days, $108,031.68                                                                                                                                                         Petty Cash  $200.00                                                                                                                        
First National Bank  $204,310.44                                                         
MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank  $3,192,832.55                                                                                            
MKKT. ACCT. – American State Bank  $66,648.38                                                                       
SD FIT  $6,008.99                                                                                                
Total  $3,579,869.42                                                                                

REGISTER OF DEEDS:                                                                                                                         

Regular fee-- November 2012 -- $2,819.85                                                                                                                            
Transfer fees, November 2012 -- $8,956.50               

AUDITOR’S REPORT was reviewed and filed.


HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT:  Motion by Scott, second by Davenport, to authorize Sullivan to sign the STP Federal Highway Funding agreement when it is received.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.  Sullivan will get started on the process of replacing a blade.  Sullivan recommended not buying a gravel screener but rent one if needed.  Motion by Iversen, second by Scott, to surplus the scrap metal at the highway department.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

SKID STEER LOADER:  Motion by Iversen, second by Scott, to pay for the loader as follows:  1/3 Courthouse Building; 1/3 Fairgrounds, and 1/3 Road and Bridge and that all departments have use of the loader.  All voted Aye. Motion carried.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:  Motion by Iversen, second by Scott, to approve the 2013 Agreement for Emergency Management Services and authorize Chairman Booth to sign.   All voted Aye.  Motion carried.  Motion by Davenport, second by Jacobson, to approve and authorize Chairman Booth to sign the 2010 Reallocation Funding Agreement.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

EXTENSION:  Motion by Scott, second by Davenport, to approve entering into an agreement with SDSU Extension for an EFNEP position.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.  Discussion was had on use of the Schomer Barn.  Chairman Booth will invite Don Bergeson to the next meeting.

PLAT:  Motion by Davenport, second by Scott, to approve the Plat of Benbow Lots B1-A, B1-B and B1-C.  Booth, Davenport, Iversen and Scott voting Aye.  Jacobson abstained.  Motion Carried.

RESOLUTION #2012 – 12


WHEREAS, the plat of the above-described property has been executed according to statute; now, therefore:

BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Stanley County, South Dakota, that the Plat of Benbow Lots B1-A, B1-B and B1-C being a subdivision of a portion of Lot B1, lying in the SE1/4 of Section 13, T5N, R30E, BHM, Stanley County, South Dakota.

Dated this 4th day of December, 2012.

                                                                                    Dennis Booth, Stanley County Commission Chairman

I, Auditor of Stanley County, do hereby certify that at an official meeting on December 4, 2012, the Stanley County Commissioners did by resolution approve the Plat of Benbow Lots B1-A, B1-B and B1-C being a subdivision of a portion of Lot B1, Lying in the SE1/4 of Section 13, T5N, R30E, BHM, Stanley County, South Dakota.

                                                                                                Karen K. Sharp, Auditor of Stanley County

GIS:  Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, to approve travel for David Reiss to attend the Black Hills Digital Mapping Association Conference in Rapid City, December 5, 2012.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES:  Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, to approve and authorize Chairman Booth to sign the Emergency Medical Services Agreement.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES:  Motion by Scott, second by Iversen, to approve and authorize Chairman Booth to sign the Community Health Services Contract.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

WEED AND PEST:  David Neuharth reviewed the prairie dog situation and plan on the Turner property.  Neuharth will look into replacement for the Supervisor.

STANLEY COUNTY LAND:  Jerry Kleinsasser came before the Commission with a request for Stanley County property, but after further discussion, the request was withdrawn.

CITY/COUNTY CHRISTMAS PARTY:  Motion by Scott, second by Davenport, to contribute $400 to the annual Christmas party.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

OAHE DISTRICT MEETING will be attended by Booth and Iversen, weather permitting.

TOTAL VOTE:  Auditor Sharp advised the Commission of the Total Vote Contract with the SD Secretary of State.

CAMERAS AND LOCKS at the courthouse were discussed.

VOLUNTEERS:  Motion by Scott, second by Iversen, to approve Dana Iversen, Soren Iversen, Brian Scott, Scott Deal, Darby Nutter, Tim Hughes and Jimmy Carter as volunteers for work at the fairgrounds September 6 to November 25, 2012.  All voted Aye.  Motion Carried.

FAIRGROUNDS:  Motion by Scott, second by Iversen, to authorize Iversen and Scott along with State’s Attorney Tom P. Maher to start the bidding process for the bucking chutes.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.  Discussion was had to set the crows nest behind the chutes for a concession stand as long as it is not in the way.

ADJOURN:  Motion by Scott, second by Iversen, to adjourn until Thursday, December 20, 2012, at 8:00 a.m. (CST).  All voted Aye.  Meeting adjourned.

ATTEST:                                                                          BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSION


Karen K. Sharp, Auditor                                                                     Dennis Booth, Chairman


Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

