April 12, 2011

April 12, 2011

The special meeting of the Stanley County Commissioners was called to order at 7:39 p.m. by Chairman Jacobson with Commissioners Booth, Iversen and Scott present.  Director of Equalization Don Wiedemer, Auditor Kris Kroll, and Highway Superintendent Leo Sullivan were also present.

AGENDA:  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Booth to approve the agenda.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.

MINUTES:  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Scott to approve minutes of the April 5, 2011 meeting.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.

VETERAN’S MEMORIAL:  Royce Loesch, David Neuharth, Jim Stoeser, David Carlisle and Jason Barnes were present.  Loesch donated on behalf of the 40/8 Voiture No. 522 of Pierre $50 to the memorial .  A committee will discuss soliciting further donations.  KGFX will be interviewing Neuharth in support of the memorial.

ENDANGERED SPECIES FOUNDATION – BLACK FOOTED FERRET:  Sid Pond was present.  Iversen informed Comm. about the release of the Black Footed Ferret. Pond discussed his concerns with prairie dogs and is asking various organizations to join efforts in not supporting the release of the Black Footed Ferret.  Iversen stated that the Stanley County Weed Board will be sending a letter stating that they do not support the release of the Black Footed Ferrets to the Governor of SD, Secretary Bones and the SD Game, Fish & Parks.  Motion by Scott, seconded by Booth to allow Jacobson and Iversen to meet with States Attorney Maher to draft a letter stating that Stanley County does not support the ferrets.  All voted aye. Motion carried.

GOLDENWEST EASEMENT:  Tom Finn was in attendance.  There will be a pre-construction meeting on April 18 at 10:00 a.m. at the Hayes Hall.  Finn discussed the fiberoptic cable that they will be boring and that they will be using GPS. Sullivan stated that he doesn’t feel the need for an easement at all crossings as there are markers.

USED LOADER BIDS:  Sullivan stated that all bids were higher than anticipated. Motion by Scott, seconded by Iversen to deny all bids.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.  Sullivan will get lease and lease to purchase options from the bidders. 

HUMAN RESOURCES:  Chuck Humphrey  presented the Comm. with the policy changes that were made since November, 2010.  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Scott to approve the amendments to the policy which are listed in the Auditor’s Office and give a complete copy of the new manual to each employee.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.

FAIRGROUNDS MANAGER:  David Neuharth, Jim Stoeser and Chuck Humphrey were present.  Humphrey presented Comm. with a job description for a Fairgrounds Manager.  Booth stated that Expo and the Fort Pierre Chamber of Commerce may give money towards the position.  Kroll informed Comm. that a Fairgrounds Manager position is not in the 2011 budget.  Neuharth suggested discussing this position with all entities involved.  Iversen asked if the grounds would generate enough income to cover the salary of the position.  Iversen wants Comm. to meet with the Chamber of Commerce and the Expo Board and present them with the job description and assure that they are willing to commit to paying for a portion of the salary.  Humphrey suggested bringing in another Fairgrounds Manager to get an opinion on what they would anticipate the fairgrounds to monetarily generate.  Motion by Scott, seconded by Iversen to table the Fairgrounds Manager discussion until the May 3 meeting.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.

SDAAO CONFERENCE:  Kroll asked for clarification on pay for out of town conferences.  Jacobson stated that all hourly employees are to be paid for an 8 hour day while out of town for conventions.

GOOD FRIDAY:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Scott to allow County Offices to be administratively closed on Good Friday.  After discussion, all voted aye.  Motion carried.

BANKHEAD JONES:  Motion by Scott, seconded by Iversen to pass the money on to the Stanley County School.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.

EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Scott to go into Executive Session for poor relief and personnel at 9:54 p.m.  All voted aye.  Motion carried. Out at 10:16 p.m.

POOR RELIEF:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Iversen to approve payment to the City of Fort Pierre $118.32 for the poor relief claim #1.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.

ADJOURNMENT:  Meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.

ATTEST:                                                                  BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS

Kristi Kroll, Auditor                                                 D.D. Jacobson, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

