November 6, 2014



NOVEMBER 6, 2014


The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 5:07 p.m. (CST) by Chairman Scott with Commissioners Dennis Booth, Scott Deal and Dana Iversen present.  Commissioner Sonny Harrowa was absent.  Others in attendance were Auditor Karen Sharp, State’s Attorney Tom P. Maher, Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, County Health Nurse Carmella Bourk, Acting Director of Equalization James Roberts, Emergency Management Director Rob Fines, Richard Hahn and Roger Fuller.  The meeting commenced with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


AGENDA:  Motion by Booth, second by Deal, to approve the Agenda.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


MINUTES:  Motion by Iversen, second by Deal to approve the minutes of October 7, 13 and 17, 2014.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


CLAIMS:  Motion by Booth, second by Iversen to approve the claims as presented.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


AMERICAN STAMP & MARKETING           16.78  Sign                          

AT&T MOBILITY                       144.27  Cell Phones                  

ELSIE BAK                           118.30  ELECTION WORKER              

BOTTOM LINE WELDING                 478.00  REPAIRS                      

LILA BRIGGS                         122.85  ELECTION WORKER              

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC              62.75  #637130006060                

CAPITAL AREA COUNSELING INC         348.00  CARE OF POOR                 

CENTURYLINK                         170.56  REPEATER                      

CENTURYLINK                         241.03  TELEPHONE                    

CHRISTY LUMBER                      295.90  Supplies                     

WILL CLARK ELECTRIC                 444.57  BASEBOARD HEATER             

DARYL COLE                          157.90  ELECTION WORKER              

COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED, INC.     1666.66  Nov. Support                 

DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER              401.99  SUPPLIES                     

EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                 395.85  SUPPLIES                     

ELECTION SOURCE                     233.78  ELECTION SUPPLIES            

EQUIPMENT BLADES INC                247.27  Grader Scarifier Teeth       

WADE FISCHER                       2221.23  Ct. Appt. Atty               

FLEET SERVICES                     1386.78  z                            

FORT PIERRE CITY                     10.79  CHN Copier                   

FORT PIERRE CITY                   1718.77  Arena Lights                 

FRIMAN OIL & GAS CO INC           25698.80  D-Grade Bulk Fuel            

GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS      334.04  E-911                        

CONNIE GRITTNER                      36.40  Election Worker              

GARY GRITTNER                       128.30  Election Worker               

GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR      352.05  Motorograder Filters         

HOGEN'S HARDWARE HANK                31.99  Supplies                     

HUGHES COUNTY FINANCE OFFICE      14100.00  Sept. Jail                   

BELLEN M JACOBSEN                   122.00  Election Worker              

JC OFFICE SUPPLY                    202.11  Janitor Supplies             

LAVONNE E KELLY                     128.30  Election Worker              

LURA KIRKPATRICK                    217.65  Election Worker              

LARRY'S PLUMBING LLC                125.00  Sprinkler Winterization      

LEWIS & CLARK BHS                   160.00  Prof. Services               

THOMAS P MAHER                     2535.18  Sts. Atty. Expense Oct.      

AUDREY DORIS MATHEWS                139.02  Election Worker              

MCLEOD'S PRINTING & OFFICE SUP      666.70  Election Supplies            

BARBARA MCQUISTION                  118.30  Election Worker              

IRIS MELIGAN                        135.70  Election Worker              

GAYLE A MERSCHEIM                   132.85  Election Worker              

MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                  80.00  Repairs Treasurer            

MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC       375.00  Equipment Rental             

MID-CONTINENTAL RESTORATION CO      217.30  Internet                     

NANCY JO MIKKELSEN                  122.85                               

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO          33.17  Natural Gas                  

SCHMIDT SCHROYER & MORENO PC          8.70  Prof Services                

CRYSTAL NEUHARTH                    137.02  Election Worker              

NYSTROM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING       80.54  Repairs                      

OVERHEAD DOOR CO OF PIERRE          119.51  Repairs                      

JEAN M PETERSON                     128.30  Election Worker              

PITNEY BOWES INC                    136.95  Meter Rental                 

PITNEY BOWES                        200.00  Postage                       

POWERPLAN                            51.61  JD Motorgrader Filter        

VEONA C PRINCE                      154.20  Election Worker              

QUILL CORPORATION                   611.24  Bookcase                     

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                 212.43  Supplies                     

DEAN SCHAEFER COURT REPORTING        30.00  Prof Services                

NORMA SCHILLING                     132.85  Election Worker              

MARION SCHMIDT                      128.30  Election Worker              

NICOLE SCHWINLER                     36.40  Election Worker              

SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION          15.11  Telephone                    

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE           1225.00  Alcohol Tests                

SD DEPTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION       254.12  Bridge Inspections           

SD PUBLIC ASSURANCE ALLIANCE         66.00  Insurance Tower Equip        

SD ASSN OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER      823.15  Catastophic Legal Program    

SEA CHANGE                           90.00  Election Supplies            

KARA SEMMLER                       2462.10  Ct.-Appt. Atty.              

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO            155.21  Supplies                     

SIOUX NATION OF FT PIERRE            32.64  Fairgrounds Supplies         

STATE FLAG ACCOUNT                  231.20  Flags, Poles, Standards      

STATE SUPPLY COMPANY                 45.60  Repairs                      

BEVERLY STOESER                      31.85  Election Worker              

SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET           1.09  Supply                       

PEGGY ANN TIBBS                     189.20  Election Worker              

TITAN MACHINERY                      69.71  Mower Parts                  

ULTRA INC                           115.00  DOE NETWORKING                

JANET ANN WALDRON                   175.88  Election Worker              

WEATHER ALL ROOFING, INC.          3040.00  Insulate Concession Area     

WW TIRE SERVICE INC                 504.11  Flat Repair & Tires          

XEROX CORPORATION                   340.07  Copier                       

YANKTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT       110.00  Care of Poor                 

ZANDER AUTO PARTS                   156.52  Repairs                      

AMERICAN STAMP & MARKETING           16.78  Sign                          

AT&T MOBILITY                       144.27  Cell Phones                  

ELSIE BAK                           118.30  ELECTION WORKER              

BOTTOM LINE WELDING                 478.00  REPAIRS                      

LILA BRIGGS                         122.85  ELECTION WORKER              

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC              62.75  #637130006060                

CAPITAL AREA COUNSELING INC         348.00  CARE OF POOR                 

CENTURYLINK                         170.56  REPEATER                     

CENTURYLINK                         241.03  TELEPHONE                    

CHRISTY LUMBER                      295.90  Supplies                     

WILL CLARK ELECTRIC                 444.57  BASEBOARD HEATER              

DARYL COLE                          157.90  ELECTION WORKER              

COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED, INC.     1666.66  Nov. Support                 

DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER              401.99  SUPPLIES                     

EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                 395.85  SUPPLIES                     

ELECTION SOURCE                     233.78  ELECTION SUPPLIES            

EQUIPMENT BLADES INC                247.27  Grader Scarifier Teeth       

WADE FISCHER                       2221.23  Ct. Appt. Atty               

FLEET SERVICES                     1386.78  z                            

FORT PIERRE CITY                     10.79  CHN Copier                   

FORT PIERRE CITY                   1718.77  Arena Lights                 

FRIMAN OIL & GAS CO INC           25698.80  D-Grade Bulk Fuel            

GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS      334.04  E-911                        

CONNIE GRITTNER                      36.40  Election Worker              

GARY GRITTNER                       128.30  Election Worker              

GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR      352.05  Motorograder Filters         

HOGEN'S HARDWARE HANK                31.99  Supplies                     

HUGHES COUNTY FINANCE OFFICE      14100.00  Sept. Jail                    

BELLEN M JACOBSEN                   122.00  Election Worker              

JC OFFICE SUPPLY                    202.11  Janitor Supplies             

LAVONNE E KELLY                     128.30  Election Worker              

LURA KIRKPATRICK                    217.65  Election Worker              

LARRY'S PLUMBING LLC                125.00  Sprinkler Winterization      

LEWIS & CLARK BHS                   160.00  Prof. Services               

THOMAS P MAHER                     2535.18  Sts. Atty. Expense Oct.      

AUDREY DORIS MATHEWS                139.02  Election Worker              

MCLEOD'S PRINTING & OFFICE SUP      666.70  Election Supplies            

BARBARA MCQUISTION                  118.30  Election Worker              

IRIS MELIGAN                        135.70  Election Worker              

GAYLE A MERSCHEIM                   132.85  Election Worker              

MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                  80.00  Repairs Treasurer            

MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC       375.00  Equipment Rental             

MID-CONTINENT                             217.30  Internet                     

NANCY JO MIKKELSEN                  122.85                               

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO          33.17  Natural Gas                  

SCHMIDT SCHROYER & MORENO PC          8.70  Prof Services                

CRYSTAL NEUHARTH                    137.02  Election Worker              

NYSTROM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING       80.54  Repairs                      

OVERHEAD DOOR CO OF PIERRE          119.51  Repairs                      

JEAN M PETERSON                     128.30  Election Worker              

PITNEY BOWES INC                    136.95  Meter Rental                 

PITNEY BOWES                        200.00  Postage                      

POWERPLAN                            51.61  JD Motorgrader Filter        

VEONA C PRINCE                      154.20  Election Worker              

QUILL CORPORATION                   611.24  Bookcase                     

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                 212.43  Supplies                     

DEAN SCHAEFER COURT REPORTING        30.00  Prof Services                

NORMA SCHILLING                     132.85  Election Worker              

MARION SCHMIDT                      128.30  Election Worker               

NICOLE SCHWINLER                     36.40  Election Worker              

SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION          15.11  Telephone                    

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE           1225.00  Alcohol Tests                

SD DEPTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION       254.12  Bridge Inspections           

SD PUBLIC ASSURANCE ALLIANCE         66.00  Insurance Tower Equip        

SD ASSN OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER      823.15  Catastophic Legal Program    

SEA CHANGE                           90.00  Election Supplies            

KARA SEMMLER                       2462.10  Ct.-Appt. Atty.              

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO            155.21  Supplies                     

SIOUX NATION OF FT PIERRE            32.64  Fairgrounds Supplies         

STATE FLAG ACCOUNT                  231.20  Flags, Poles, Standards      

STATE SUPPLY COMPANY                 45.60  Repairs                      

BEVERLY STOESER                      31.85  Election Worker              

SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET           1.09  Supply                       

PEGGY ANN TIBBS                     189.20  Election Worker              

TITAN MACHINERY                      69.71  Mower Parts                  

ULTRA INC                           115.00  DOE NETWORKING                

JANET ANN WALDRON                   175.88  Election Worker              

WEATHER ALL ROOFING, INC.          3040.00  Insulate Concession Area     

WW TIRE SERVICE INC                 504.11  Flat Repair & Tires          

XEROX CORPORATION                   340.07  Copier                       

YANKTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT       110.00  Care of Poor                 

ZANDER AUTO PARTS                   156.52  Repairs


SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners--$4,134.00; Auditor--$6,149.95; Treasurer--$5,107.20; States Attorney-- $5,491.20; Custodian--$2,384.00; Director of Equalization--$5,565.36; Register of Deeds--$2,784.00;Road and Bridge,--$24,109.12; Community Health Secretary--$2,061.84; WIC Secretary--$261.36; Fairgrounds--$2,181.75; Weed/Pest--$653.84; Employee Health Insurance--$14,197.65; SD Retirement System, withheld and match--$6,511.24; Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax--$14,389.86.


AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                             

October,  2014                                                                                                                                                                        

Cash on hand --$1,632.72

Checks, less than 3 days-- $255,018.93                                                                                                                                                                            Petty Cash -- $215.00                                                                                                                   

First National Bank -- $475,946.57                                                  

MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank  $4,183,013.52                                                                                       

MKKT. ACCT. – Dakota Prairie Bank  $67,434.24                                                                    

SD FIT -- $6,011.98                                                                                                           

Total -- $4,989,272.96                                                                         


REGISTER OF DEEDS:                                                                                                                       

Regular Fees October 2014 -- $2,347.97                                                                                                                            

Transfer Fees October 2014 -- $2,832.00              


Auditor, Register of Deeds and Treasurer’s reports were reviewed.


AUTO TRANSFERS:  Motion by Iversen, second by Deal, to adopt an unanticipated expenditure reimbursement supplemental budget per SDCL 7-21-20.1 for an unanticipated federal grant as follows:  Expenditure:  General Fund – Weed and Pest – Supplies (101-615-426)  $7,183.18; Means of Finance:  General Fund – Weed and Pest Fees (101-0-348.10) $7,183.18.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


Motion by Booth, second by Iversen, to adopt an unanticipated expenditure reimbursement supplemental budget per SDCL 7-21-20.1 for an unanticipated federal grant as follows:  Expenditure:  Emergency Management  Equipment (226-222-434.30) $9,232.00; Means of Finance:  Emergency Management – Homeland Securities Grant (226-0-331.23) $9,232.00.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


Motion by Iversen, second by Booth, to adopt an unanticipated expenditure reimbursement supplemental budget per SDCL 7-21-20.1 for an unanticipated federal grant as follows:  Expenditure:  Emergency Management Misc. (226-222-429) $640.24; Means of Finance:  Emergency Management – Homeland Securities Grant (226-0-331.23) $640.24.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


Motion by Iversen, second by Scott to approve the bill from Weather All Roofing for the fairgrounds in the sum of $3,040.00.  All Voted Aye.


ERRORS AND ADMISSIONS INSURANCE:  Auditor Sharp and Emergency Management Director Fines advised the Commission that the equipment on the towers had been added to the insurance.


REMOVAL OF DEPUTY AUDITOR FROM BANK ACCOUNTS:   Motion by Booth, second by Deal, to remove former Deputy Auditor Philena Edwards from all bank accounts, ACH and execubank at First National Bank, Fort Pierre Branch.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


ELETION CANVASS:  Motion by Booth, second by Deal, to accept and approve the election canvass and to sign the Certificate and file the same with the Secretary of State.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


COUNTY NURSE QUARTERLY STATISTICS were presented by County Health Nurse Carmella Bourk.


ELEVATOR:   Richard Han of Hahn Engineering presented drawings and options for the proposed elevator lift.  Commissioners gave their approval to proceed with the project.


HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT:  Emergency Management Director Rob Fines advised that Stanley County and the City of Fort Pierre had been awarded $65,531.00 for three sirens.  An additional county expenditure of $856.00 will be needed for the project.  Motion by Iversen, second by Deal, to authorize additional funds, and to authorize Fines to look into getting a fourth siren for south of town for an amount of no more than $10,000.00.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


Motion by Iversen, second by Deal, to recess into Executive Session for Personnel, SDCL 2-25-2(1) at 6:07 p.m. (CST).  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.  Motion by Deal, second by Iversen, to reconvene at 6:48 p.m. (CST).  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


Commission discussed Wakpa Sica with State’s Attorney Tom P. Maher.


ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSES;  Motion by Iversen, second by Scott, to approve the On-sale Liquor license for Chantier Creek Resort and Oahe Marina & Resort.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


SURPLUS:  Motion by Iversen, second by Booth, to declare the 19” GE television with VCR player, model 19TVR60, serial #838615167 from the extension office surplus, and authorize disposal if no one wants to take it.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried. 


Tom Maher will bring help over to take extra chairs to the fairgrounds for storage.  The wooden chairs are to remain in the courthouse.


FAIRGROUNDS STATE SALE COMMISSION payable to Brenton Crane was discussed and approved.


No action was taken on a six-month pay increase for Highway Superintendent Kelly McCollan since McCollam was absent.  There also was no action with regard to War Creek Road.


Commission again denied Auditor Sharp’s request to hire a Deputy Auditor.


Auditor Sharp advised the Commission that even if the County did not terminate an employee’s health insurance at the end of the month in which the employment ends that Dakotacare would.


Stanley County employees will be given the following holidays, Veterans Day on November 11, 2014, Thanksgiving on November 27 and 28, 2014, and Christmas on December 25 and 26, 2014.







ADJOURNMENT:  Motion by Deal, second by Iversen, to adjourn at 7:49 p.m.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


ATTEST:                                                               STANLEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS




________________________________     ________________________________________________________

Karen Sharp, Auditor                                          Brian Scott, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

