March 3, 2015


March 3, 2015


The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 5:11pm (CDT) by Chairman Scott Deal with Commissioners Dennis Booth, Dana Iversen, Craig Heller and Sonny Harrowa present. Also present were State’s Attorney Tom P Maher, Highway Superintendent Kelly McCollam, Register of Deeds Bev Stoeser, Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, Director of Equalization Consultant Roger Fuller, Chuck Humphrey, Emergency Management Director Rob Fines, Kathy Heiss, Tiffany Stoeser, Kristen Carter, Fairgrounds Board Casey Cowen and Auditor Philena Edwards. The meeting commenced with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


AGENDA: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Dana Iversen, to approve the Agenda. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.


MINUTES: Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Craig Heller, to approve the February 3rd and February 10th Minutes. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


CLAIMS: Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Sonny Harrowa to approve Claims as presented. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


ADAMS - ISC                                                            675.94  R&B REPAIRS                  

TARA L ADAMSKI                                                  302.53  CRT APPT ATTRNY - JUV        

AFFECTIONS FLORAL & WINE                            100.00  MEMORIAL                     

AMERICAN STAMP & MARKETING                   164.74  ROD SUPPLIES                 

AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE INC             3712.50  JANUARY 2015                 

AT&T MOBILITY                                                     124.08  CELL PHONES                  

AVERA ST MARYS HOSPITAL                            1138.63  CRISIS ROOM                  

ROBERT BAK                                                          1306.30  COMMERCIAL REFUND            

BOTTOM LINE WELDING                                       990.00  R&B REPAIRS                  

BUTLER MACHINERY CO                                      519.07  R&B REPAIRS & MAINT          

RONALD CALKINS                                                    10.00  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                  63.75  TRASH BILLING 1/26-2/22      

WICK COMMUNICATIONS                                    382.45  COUNTY POSITION AD-AUDITOR   

CARQUEST AUTO PARTS                                        51.42  R&B REPAIRS & MAINT          

CENTURYLINK                                                          85.28  4 CORNERS REPEATER           

CENTURYLINK                                                        241.16  OFFICE PHONES                

CHEMSEARCH                                                         191.40  GOV BLDG REPAIRS & MAINT     

CHRISTY LUMBER                                                    60.79  R&B SUPPLIES                  

COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED, INC.           1666.67  MARCH 2015 SUPPORT           

BOB COVERDALE                                                     83.30  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                   5.75  DOE INVOICE #101492          

DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                               168.14  ROD SUPPLIES                 

DARCI DEAL                                                              10.00  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

DIESEL MACHINERY INC                                   2797.16  R&B SUPPLIES

DONDELINGER CHEVROLET-CACILLAC           85.00  REFUND                 

DANA DUFFY                                                            10.74  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                                         239.16  R&B REPAIRS & MAINT          

ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE                1516.00  ELECTION SOFTWARE            

FIRST NATIONAL BANK                                        33.00  SAFE DEPOSIT BOX RENT        

FLEET SERVICES                                                 3293.03  R&B FUEL                     

JOHN FOLEY                                                             50.74  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                   8.74  CHN COPIER LEASE & COPIES     

FORT PIERRE CITY                                             1677.28  COURTHOUSE UTILITIES

FORT PIERRE CITY                                           17711.65  DUE TO CITY OF FORT PIERRE        

LYNN FRAVEL                                                         10.74  JURY DUTY 11/21/14

ROGER FULLER                                                   2077.60  DOE PROF SRVC

ROGER FULLER                                                   2677.60  DOE PROF SRVC          

GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS       334.04  E-911                        

JUSTIN GRAY                                                           10.74  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

HAHN ENGINEERING                                         1083.60  COURTHOUSE ELEVATOR DESIGN   

RUTH HARTLEY                                                      51.48  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

HOGEN'S HARDWARE HANK                               60.91  GOV BLDG SUPPLIES            

KEVIN HUGHES                                                       10.74  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           


TRAISE HUTCHESON                                              51.48  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

INLAND TRUCK PARTS                                        137.73  R&B SUPPLIES                 


STEVEN KENDALL                                                  51.48  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

MONTY KENWORTHY                                            50.74  JURY DURY 11/21/14           

DONALD KIRKPATRICK                                         83.30  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

KLEINS OFFICE FURNITURE                               947.00  CHAIRS FOR COMMISSIONER RM   

ROBERT T KONRAD                                              124.00  CRT APPT ATTRNY                    


LEWIS & CLARK BHS                                            160.00  MENTALLY ILL PROF SERVICE    

BRENDA LOUNSBURY                                            60.00  ALCOHOL BLOOD TEST           

LYNN'S DAKOTAMART                                          78.91  GOV BLDG SUPPLIES            

THOMAS P MAHER                                              2578.13  FEBRUARY 2015 EXPENSES        

KELLY MCCOLLAM                                                64.00  W&P CONFERENCE               

MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                                        80.00  DOE REPAIRS & MAINT          

MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                375.00  ROD EQUIP RENTAL             

MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                 217.30  OFFICE INTERNET              

VIVIAN MONROE                                                     10.00  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           


MORRIS INC                                                            387.50  R&B MAINT                     

NAPA                                                                           85.39  R&B REPAIRS & SUPPLIES       

DAVID NEUHARTH                                                173.00  W&P CONFERENCE               

CAROL OLSON                                                          50.74  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

DARLIS D PERRY                                                    360.00  ALCOHOL BLOOD TESTS          

CITY OF PIERRE                                                    1238.00  TRI-COUNTY RESCUE AGREEMENT  

PITNEY BOWES                                                      613.26  POSTAGE                      

POLLARD & LARSON LLP                                    186.00  CRT APPT ATTRNY-JUV MENTAL   

POWERPLAN                                                           454.87  R&B SUPPLIES                 

PAT PRINCE                                                             196.15  TRAVEL TO KS-SCRAPER         

PRYNTCOMM                                                          127.00  ROD SUPPLIES

PURPLE WAVE INC                                            18700.00  PADDLE SCRAPER                

QUILL CORPORATION                                          263.12  TREAS SUPPLIES               

RAMKOTA HOTEL-- RAPID CITY                       510.00  W&P CONFERENCE               

SHARON RAMSEY                                                  10.74  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

CORT RIGGLE                                                         64.00  TRAVEL TO KS-SCRAPER         

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                     475.26  GOV BLDG SUPPLIES

SC TREASURER                                                        5.00  ADMIN FEE           


SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION                   70.14  AUDITOR BIT EMAIL 2015       


SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                   72450.07  MV & VITALS       



SD ASSC OF COUNTY HWY SUPT                        80.00  2015 SHORT COURSE            


SD ASS’N OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                     106.00  DUE TO COUNTY ASSOC-$2       

SDSU EXTENSION                                                6580.00  CNTY 4-H ADVISOR SALARY 2015

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                             91.73  R&B MAINT                    

CHERYL SORENSON                                                13.70  JURY DUTY 11/21/14

STANLEY COUNTY SCHOOL DIST                  95899.27  DUE TO SC SCHOOL          

STATE SUPPLY COMPANY                                   218.08  GOV BLDG SUPPLIES

STEFFES GROUP INC                                        136105.00  BELLY DUMPS           

JASON STOESER                                                        13.70  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

REED STOESER                                                          16.00  TRAVEL TO ND-BELLY DUMP      

SUZANNE STOESER                                                  11.48  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

VERNON THORSON                                                   50.74  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

TITAN MACHINERY                                                156.33  R&B REPAIRS/MAINT & SUPPL    

KALI UECKER                                                             51.48  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE DIV                  1799.00  UNEMPLOYMENT        

US POSTAL SERVICE                                                 34.00  FAIRGROUNDS PO BOX FEE       

MONA WEIGER                                                         105.40  TRANSCRIPT                   

BRITT WILLIAMS                                                       50.74  JURY DUTY 11/21/14           

WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                            35.00  R&B REPAIR                   

XEROX CORPORATION                                          256.36  COPIER LEASE & COPIES        

YANKTON COUNTY                                                113.75  MENTAL ILL HEARING           

YANKTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT                   25.00  SERVE PAPER                  

ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                            571.01  R&B SUPPLIES


SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners - $3,693.71; Auditor - $2,717.28; Treasurer - $5,084.02; States Attorney - $4,219.49; Custodian - $2,066.49; Director of Equalization - $2,736.70; Register of Deeds - $3,040.12; Road & Bridge - $17,569.09; Community Health/WIC Secretary - $1,952.32; Weed and Pest - $554.70; Employee Health Insurance - $12,881.23; SD Retirement System, withheld and match - $6,600.56; Electronic Transfer; FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax - $13,890.18


AUDITOR AND TREASURER REPORTS: The Treasurers report was reviewed. The Auditor gave a report.


CHUCK HUMPHREY – CONTRACT AGREEMENT: Chuck Humphrey presented his Contract for Professional Personnel Consultant Services Agreement. The Agreement is for January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 for the year, not to exceed 104 hours. This agreement is to assist with the administration of the Human Resources aspect of county government.

Motion by Craig Heller, second by Dennis Booth, to accept the Contract. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


EXECUTIVE SESSION – Personnel, SDCL 1-25-2(1):  Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Sonny Harrowa, to go into Executive Session at 5:21pm. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Sonny Harrowa, to reconvene at 5:43pm.


ROB FINES –EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Received one bid for a new siren to be put up on Frontier Road. This was advertised in the newspaper twice. Chairman Scott Deal opened the bid from Frontline Warning Systems, Inc. The bid is for $65,000.00, the county was awarded a $62,000.00 Grant. The City is also getting two new sirens to replace two old sirens. This new siren is solar power, no lines are needed. Run by solar power and radio, no expense to operate the sirens. The County will need to purchase a pole, which is an added expense. The City and County will work with the manufacturer to set the new poles in April. Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller to accept the bid from Frontline Warning Systems, Inc. for the amount of $65,000.00. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


DIRECTOR OF EQUALIZATION, CONSULTANT ROGER FULLER: Add omitted Property to Tax Roll. Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller to add Record No. 9288 Assessed Structure Value in the amount of $493,445 to tax roll 2014 pay 2015. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Dana Iversen to add Record No. 9098 Assessed Structure Value in the amount of $253,948 to tax roll 2014 pay 2015. All voted Ay. Motion Carried.


KATHY HEISS – PROPERTY TAXES: Kathy Heiss addressed the commissioners with her concerns regarding same sized lots, being assessed the same, however the taxes on each lot is different. She also shared her concerns about property taxes going up even though assessments have not been completed. Tiffany Stoeser shared her concerns regarding the difference of taxes in her neighborhood. Roger Fuller stated that when you receive your tax assessments the beginning of March, on the back of the forms is instructions on how to appeal your assessments for 2015 pay 2016. These assessments need to be returned to the City of Fort Pierre by March 12th to be presented to the board on March 16, this process is for properties located within the city limits. Outside the city limits need to complete an abatement form and return them to the Director of Equalization.


FAIRGROUNDS BOARD: Casey Cowan presented the Commissioners with recommendations and requests. Improvement Items – take out the old arena panels, shape the ground and reset the new arena.

The Fairgrounds Board recommends three (3) separate improvement purchases. Motion by Craig Heller, second by Dana Iversen, to approve the replacement of the main arena fence at a total cost of $20,970.54; All voted Aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller, to approve the replacement of the roping chute and “lead up” in main arena at a total cost of $2,949.99; All voted Aye. Motion carried. Motion by Craig Heller, second by Dana Iversen, to approve the replacement of the Rough Stock stripping chute and additional replacement panels at a total cost of $4,464.45. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Surplus items as a result to the improvements. Would also like an exterior fence in the paddock area, across new entrance and to the existing fence to the South. Based on the lack of information provided as to the breakdown of the bid received for the fence, the board is not in a position to recommend acceptance of this bid. Kelly McCollam suggested the highway department use the paddle scraper to shape the ground of the arena and to put up the new fence. Casey Cowan and Kelly McCollam will meet to discuss plans.


The Board nominated Shane Ludemann to the fairgrounds board.


Motion by Craig Heller, second by Dana Iversen, to offer the position of the Fairgrounds Event Coordinator to Brenton Crane. All voted Aye. Motion carried. This is a part-time position with annual pay of $12,000.00. The position for the Fairgrounds Maintenance person will be advertised as soon as possible.


The Board discussed the hurdles created by insurance and waiver requirements for entities trying to utilize the fairgrounds. They would also like to know what it would take for the Fairgrounds Board to have their own account for the purpose of running any events that the fairgrounds/commission sponsors.


The Fairgrounds Board would like to promote the 4th of July Rodeo as a 2015 Fundraiser for the improvements to the Stanley County Fairgrounds. The Board would like the Commissioners to agree that any net profits from this event be utilized as a supplement to the 2015 budget for continued improvements.


The Board is in contact with the high school art department about doing a mural on a 4’x8’ board for the outside of the main building, but it will be able to be moved where it is needed.


The Commissioners would like Kelly McCollam to contact DOT regarding the highway sign going to the fairgrounds. They would like it to say Fairgrounds/Expo instead of just Expo. And check to see about getting a sign put up on the highway, corner of Scotty Philip Ave saying; Participants Entrance.


HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Purchased three new/used R-Way belly dumps that can legally haul 33 ton. With the elimination of the pups, turn-around time is less. The blade operators like the consistence of the way the belly dumps are dumping. Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Sonny Harrowa, to surplus the 1979 LoadKing belly dump, 1981 LoadKing pup, 1999 R-Way belly dump, 2009 Trailking pup and two belly dump tarps. These will be sold on All voted Aye. Motion carried. Kelly McCollam would like the commissioners to consider that the net profit from this auction be utilized as a supplement to the 2015 budget for equipment.

 Also purchased a 613 Cat Paddle Scraper. Had to do service maintenance on it. It is small enough and runs 25 to 30mph, so it can be driven down the highway.


They have been screening gravel at the Buffalo Pit, laying gravel on Wooley Place, but with the high winds, it will need to be done again. Nash Loop is on the list and Bad River Road gets bladed weekly. Checking options and prices to get Bad River Road in better shape. They also put up two (2) 25mph speed limit signs on Mud Road.


Kelly McCollam and Tom P Maher are gathering the appropriate paperwork needed in response to FEMA’s latest request regarding the War Creek Road Project.


Kelly McCollam and Philena Edwards conducted 5 interviews for the Highway/Auditor Bookkeeper/Administrative Assistant position. All were good applicants. Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller, to offer the position to Elizabeth McNeil at a wage of $14.00 per hour with three (3) fifty (50) cent raises every six (6) months for 18 months plus any cost of living raises given to other county employees. All voted Aye. Motion carried.


Kelly McCollam and David Neuharth attended the Weed & Pest Conference in Rapid City in February. Stanley County was awarded a $6,100 State Grant and a $4,500 Competitive Grant (Hoary Cress Grant).


AMENDED RESOLUTION FOR SALARIES AND WAGES 2015: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Sonny Harrowa, to amend Resolution 2015-01 Salary Resolution stating that all highway maintenance employees will work four (4), 10-hour days, instead of five (5) 8-hour days. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


HAYES HALL RAFFLE: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Sonny Harrowa, to approve the Hayes Hall Raffle in March 2015. All voted Aye. Motion carried.



UPCOMING WORKSHOPS: County Commissioners and Welfare Official Workshop will be held March 18 & 19 in Pierre. Dawn Sass, Welfare Director will be attending. Commissioners Dennis Booth and Dana Iversen will attend. The New Officials Workshop March 18 & 19 in Pierre. Philena Edwards, Auditor and Peggy Dougherty, Treasurer will be attending. Kelly McCollam will be attending the Highway Superintendent Short Course Workshop March 17, 18 & 19 in Oacoma.


ADJOURN: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Sonny Harrowa to adjourn at 8:22pm. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


ATTEST:                                             BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS



_________________________          _____________________________________________

Philena Edwards, Auditor                  Scott Deal, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

