December 2, 2014

December 2, 2014

The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commissioners was called to order at 5:10 p.m. by Chairman Brian Scott with Commissioners Dennis Booth, Dana Iversen, Scott Deal and Sonny Harrowa present.  Acting Director of Equalization James Roberts, Highway Superintendent Kelly McCollom, States Attorney Tom Maher, Acting Auditor Dawn Sass, Register of Deeds Bev Stoeser, Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, Emergency Management Director Rob Fines and Vern Thorson were also present.                                                              

AGENDA:  Motion by Deal, seconded by Booth to approve the agenda.  All voted aye.  Motion carried. MINUTES:  Motion by Harrowa, seconded by Deal to approve the minutes of the November 6, regular meeting and the November 13 special meeting.  All voted aye.  Motion carried. 


Treasurer Dougherty presented her November report for review.


CLAIMS:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Iversen to approve the claims.  All voted aye.  Motion carried

TARA L ADAMSKI                                               376.97  COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY     

AT&T MOBILITY                                                  124.27  CELL PHONE                   

BECKWITH ANNE                                                  10.00  JUDICIAL JUROR               

BOWAR MATTHEW                                               10.00  JUDICIAL JUROR               

Butler Machinery Co.                                            4019.16  SUPPLIES                     

CALKINS RONALD                                                10.00  JUDICIAL JUROR               

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                              62.75  WASTE REMOVAL                 

WICK COMMUNICATIONS                               1328.70  BALLOT PUBLICATIONS          

CARLISLE CARSON                                                15.18  JUDICIAL JUROR               

CASANOVA KELLER JACI                                     10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

CENTURYLINK                                                       236.32  UTILITIES                    


COVERDALE ROBERT                                            43.30  JUDICIAL JUROR               

CRONIN SANDRA                                                    10.00  JUDICIAL JUROR               

CRUSE MICHAEL                                                     14.44  JUDICIAL JUROR               

DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                                43.96  SUPPLIES                     

DAY DAWN                                                               10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

DEIS DIANE                                                             161.10  JUDICIAL JUROR               

DOUD DOROTHY                                                   152.22  JUDICIAL JUROR               

DUFFY DANA                                                          10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

DUNCUN JAMES                                                     10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

EDDIES TRUCK SALES                                          50.60  SUPPLIES                     

EQUPMENT BLADES INC                                  2461.37  SUPPLIES                     

FASTENAL COMPANY                                         112.41  SUPPLIES                     

WADE FISCHER                                                     889.07  COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY     

FLAX EVEY                                                              10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

FLEET SERVICES                                                4120.22  SUPPLIES                     

FOLEY JOHN                                                            10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

FORSTER CHRIS                                                    152.22  JUDICIAL JUROR               

FORT PIERRE CITY                                             1581.12  UTILITIES                    

FOSTER VALERIE                                                 150.00  JUDICIAL JUROR               

Friman Oil & Gas Co.                                               898.96  SUPPLIES                     

GEUTHER KATHY                                                  11.48  JUDICIAL JUROR               

GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS      334.04  911 SERVICE                   

GRAY JUSTIN                                                          10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

GRIMM'S PUMP & INDUSTRIAL SUPP                60.50  SUPPLIES                     

GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR           148.50  SUPPLIES                     

HAEFNER JAMIE                                                      28.14  SUBPOENA                     

HAHN ENGINEERING                                          6218.00  PREPARATIION OF ELEVATOR RECON

HANSON GLORIA                                                     11.48  JUDICIAL JUROR               

HARTLEY RUTH                                                       11.48  JUDICIAL JUROR               

HEIDT MARLYS                                                      152.22  JUDICIAL JUROR               

Hogen's Hardware Hank                                                3.99  SUPPLIES                     

HOLLEY SHARON                                                    10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               


HUGHES KEVIN                                                         10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

HUTCHESON TRAISE                                                11.48  JUDICIAL JUROR               

INGRAM SHEILA                                                        12.22  JUDICIAL JUROR               

INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO.                                   385.11  SUPPLIES                     

JACOBSON LORI                                                         10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

JACOBSON ZACHERY                                               10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

JC OFFICE SUPPLIES                                                  15.00  SUPPLIES                     

JIM HAWK TRUCK TRAILERS INC                     1327.04  SUPPLIES                     

KENWORTHY MONTY                                              10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

KESSLER JOAN                                                           23.32  JUDICIAL JUROR               

KLIMA TERESA                                                          10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

KLUNDT KIMBERLY                                                 10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

ROBERT T KONRAD                                              3457.89  COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEYS    

KORTUM TAMMY                                                      10.00  JUDICIAL JUROR               

LARRY O'DANIEL                                                       53.26  SUPPLIES                     

LOPOUR MICHELE                                                      10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

LUDEMANN BRANDY                                                12.22  JUDICIAL JUROR               

MAHER KRISTIE                                                          10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

THOMAS P MAHER                                                 2603.59  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES        

MID AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL             150.19  SUPPLIES                     

KELLY MCCOLLAM                                                    30.00  DISTRICT MEETING             

MCCOLLAM  KELLY                                                   12.22  JUDICIAL JUROR               

MCQUISTION LORETTA                                             29.62  SUBPOENA                     

MCQUISTION RON                                                     176.64  JUDICIAL JUROR               


MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                     217.30  UTILITIES                    

MIDWEST COOPERATIVES                                    8894.25  SUPPLIES                     

MIKKELSEN JERRY                                                     10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

MITCHELL MATHHEW                                               20.00  SUBPOENA                     

MN WIRELESS LLC                                                    320.00  INSTALL WIRELESS ACCESS      

MONROE VIVIAN                                                         10.00  JUDICIAL JUROR               

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                      266.14  UTILITIES                    

MORRIS EQUIPMENT LLC                                       309.53  BOBCAT REPAIRS               

NADA GUIDES                                                            196.00  MANUFACTURED HOUSING         

Noble Ink and Toner                                                       61.98  SUPPLIES                     

NORMAN RANDI                                                         29.62  SUBPOENA                     

ODANIEL MARLIN                                                      10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

OGAN JUSTIN                                                            156.66  JUDICIAL JUROR               

OLSON CAROL                                                            10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

DARLIS D PERRY                                                      180.00  BLOOD ALCOHOLS               

DARLIS D PERRY                                                      480.00  BLOOD ALCOHOL TESTING        

PETERS VERNALTHA                                              152.22  JUDICIAL JUROR               

PETERSEN ROY                                                         187.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

PITNEY BOWES                                                         410.77  POSTAGE                      

QUISENBERRY LAWRENCE                                    10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

RAMSEY SHARON                                                     10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

REINHARD VICKY                                                     12.96  JUDICIAL JUROR                

LINDSAY RITER - RAPP                                          713.40  COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY     

ROSELAND SHARON                                                 10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

RUNNINGS                                                                 453.02  SUPPLIES                     

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                           56.76  SUPPLIES                     

SAYLER NICOLE                                                        11.48  JUDICIAL JUROR               


SCHWINLER NICOLE                                              152.22  JUDICIAL JUROR               

SCOTT KEVIN                                                          183.30  JUDICIAL JUROR               

SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION                       8.64  UTILITIES                    

SD Dep't of Transport                                              1442.98  SERVICES & FEES              

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                         600.00  MENTAL ILLNESS               


SD ASS'N OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                     732.62  2015 COUNTY MEMBERSHIP DUES  

SD DEPT OF CORRECTIONS                                  35.70  COMM. SERVICE WORK AT FAIRGRND

SEILER RANDOLPH                                                 11.48  JUDICIAL JUROR               

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                            36.61  SUPPLIES                     

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                          140.59  CLEAN RUNNERS                

SERVALL UNIFORM & LINEN                               55.12  REPAIRS/MAINT.               

SIMMONS FLORENCE                                           189.96  JUDICIAL JUROR               

SIVAGE BONNIE                                                     236.58  JUDICAL JUROR                

SMITH LARRY                                                          10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

SORENSON CHERYL                                               13.70  JUDICIAL JUROR               

STERN OIL CO. INC.                                            2740.31  SUPPLIES                     

STOESER JASON                                                      13.70  JUDICIAL JUROR                

STOESER REED                                                        11.48  JUDICIAL JUROR               

STOESER SUZANNE                                                11.48  JUDICIAL JUROR               

THORSON VERNON                                                 10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

TITAN MACHINERY                                                67.50  SUPPLIES                     

WHEELHOUSE PLUMBING INC                          102.00  PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL       

WILLIAMS BRITT                                                    10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               

WW TIRE SERVICE, INC                                     4985.86  SUPPLIES                     

Zander Auto Parts                                                     699.39  SUPPLIES                     

ZEHR BARRY                                                           10.74  JUDICIAL JUROR               


Motion by Booth, seconded by Harrowa to contribute $500.00 to Fort Pierre City for the City/County Christmas Celebration. All voted Aye. Motion Carried


Commissioners were advised that Nancy Lemieux is due for her 12 month raise to be effective December 29, 2014.


The boiler certificate inspection report was given by Sass, State Fire Marshal to return Thursday for a follow up inspection.


EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Motion by Iversen, seconded by Harrowa, to approve the 2015 agreement for Emergency Management Services. All voted aye. Motion carried.


Motion by Booth, seconded by Deal to approve the Independent Contractor agreement with Roger Fuller for the Equalization Office. All voted aye. Motion carried.


HIGHWAY DEPT:  McCollam reported on road work completed and which roads are currently being worked on.  Also discussed that in the future there may be a need to purchase an additional wing blade. There was discussion about Bad River Road and putting up a 45 mile speed limit sign. Motion by Deal, seconded by Booth to put in speed limit signs of 45 miles per hour from Highway 83 to Highway 63. Harrowa, Deal, Booth, Scott voted aye. Iversen voted nay. Motion carried. Motion by Harrowa, seconded by Deal to approve the purchase of a 2015 Chevrolet Silverado pickup, purchase price off of South Dakota State bid of $29000.00 from Beck Motor’s. All voted aye. Motion Carried.


EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Iversen, seconded by Harrowa to go into Executive session for personnel at 6:15. Motion by Harrowa, seconded by Deal reconvene at 6:37. All voted aye. Motion Carried.


Commissioners discussed the 2015 Hughes/Stanley Fairgrounds Agreement. Maher is going to get in contact with Kevin Hipple about the amount Hughes County has budgeted for 2015.


Rick Hahn, Hahn Engineering handed out construction documents for the elevator/lift replacement project. Motion by Deal, seconded by Harrowa to have Hahn Engineering continue with placing the advertisement for bids. Bids will be opened at 3:00 p.m. and read January 6, 2015 at 3:30 p.m in the Stanley County Commissioner Room. All voted aye. Motion carried.


EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Harrowa, seconded by Booth to go into Executive Session for personnel at 7:10 p.m. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sonny, seconded by Deal to reconvene at 7:50. All voted aye, Motion carried.


Motion by Booth, seconded by Deal to approve the Central SD Enhancement District Agreement. All voted Aye. Motion carried.


Motion by Booth, seconded by Harrowa to approve the Walworth County jail agreement. All voted aye. Motion carried.


Motion by Deal, seconded by Harrowa to approve the Hughes County Juvenile jail agreement. Harrowa, Deal, Booth and Scott voted Aye. Iversen voted Nay. Motion carried.


Motion by Harrowa, seconded by Booth to approve the Hughes County adult jail agreement. Harrowa, Deal, Booth and Scott voted Aye. Iversen voted Nay. Motion carried.


Motion by Booth, seconded by Deal to approve Bankwest application for designation as depository for 2015. All voted Aye. Motion carried.


SALARIES BY OFFICE:   Commissioners,  $4450.21  Auditor,  $1578.24;   Treasurer, $4231.82;  States Attorney,  $4074.80;   Custodian,  $2029.85;  Director of Equalization,  $3788.88;  Register of Deeds,  $2237.86;  Road and Bridge,  $20103.67; Community Health Secretary,  $1755.81;  WIC Secretary,  $222.57;  Dakotacare, employee insurance,  $12007.56;  SD Retirement System, withheld and match,  $3057.20;  SD Supplemental Retirement, employee contribution,  $1170.00;  Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax,  $14945.83                                                                                                                      AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                                 November, 2014                                                       

Cash on hand      350.00                                                                                                                                                           Checks, less than 3 days     $58,938.30                           

Petty Cash                    $215.00

First National Bank                $62431.54                                        

MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank      $3,765,851.50                     

MKKT. ACCT. – Dakota Prairie Bank          $67,478.44                                 

SD FIT                         $6012.03 

Long/Short             $0.00                                                                                                    

Total      $3,961,276.81                                                                 


Regular fees, November  2014       $1573.74                                                             

Transfer fees, November 2014      $2556.50                                                                                                            


ADJOURNMENT:  Motion by Deal, Seconded by Harrowa to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. until December 30, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. for the year end meeting.


ATTEST:                                                                       BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS


Dawn Sass, Acting Auditor                                  Brian Scott, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

