August 4, 2015


August 4, 2015


The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 5:15 P.M. (CDT) by Chairman Scott Deal with Commissioners Dennis Booth, Dana Iversen, Craig Heller and Sonny Harrowa present. Also present were State’s Attorney Tom P Maher, Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, Highway Superintendent Kelly McCollam, Director of Equalization Roger Fuller, Emergency Management Director Rob Fines, Steve Rounds, Jimmy Carter, Brian Scott, Hahn Engineering Rick Hahn, G&N Construction Nick Osterkamp, Fort Pierre Fire Department Chief Cody Lengkeek, Justin Jones, Rick Cronin, Tye Odden, Stanley Post 20 American Legion Dennis Wacker, Larry Manke, Chris Forster, LeRoy Klinger, Eugene Collett, Randy Slama, Jerry Kleinsasser, Ken Hallock, KCCR Kevin Larsen and Auditor Philena Edwards. The meeting commenced with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


AGENDA: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller, to approve the Agenda. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.


MINUTES: Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Sonny Harrowa, to approve the July 7, 2015, Minutes. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


CLAIMS: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller, to approve claims as presented. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


 AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE INC                          1237.50  JULY 2015 SUBSIDY            

AT&T MOBILITY                                                                   145.87  CELL PHONES                  

JUDY BOSANCO                                                                      13.99  OVERPAID TAXES               

BRANINE FARMS                                                                2361.58  4TH OF JULY RODEO - BBQ      

BUTLER MACHINERY CO                                                 1775.56  R&B REPAIRS & MAINT          

CHASE CAMPBELL                                                               103.25  SUBPOENA                     

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                              63.75  6/22-7/26 TRASH BILLING      

WICK COMMUNICATIONS                                                 187.92  COMM MTG MIN 6-9             

CATLIN'S CAR CLINIC                                                         161.95  DOE REPAIRS                  

CENTURYLINK                                                                        85.28  4 CORNERS REPEATER           

CENTURYLINK                                                                      241.16  OFFICE PHONES                

CHOLIK SIGNS                                                                       200.00  4TH OF JULY RODEO 

CHRISTY LUMBER INC                                                      2276.02  FAIRGROUNDS SUPPLY          

COLE PAPERS INC       74630700                                          451.60  FAIRGROUNDS SUPPL            

COMMUNICATIONS CENTER INC                                      480.00  ANNUAL TOWER LEASE           

COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED, INC                           1666.67  AUGUST 2015 SUPPORT          

CASEY COWAN                                                                        33.86  4TH OF JULY RODEO            

SHELLY COWAN                                                                    247.98  4TH OF JULY RODEO            

COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                                 50.00  INVOICE $97885               

CADE CRADDUCK                                                                   86.60  SUBPOENA                     

BRENTON CRANE                                                                    14.69  FAIRGROUNDS SUPPL            

DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                                              343.74  ROD SUPPL                    

DANI'S THISTLE SPRAYING                                              7568.75  W&P SUPPL                    

DIAMOND MOWERS INC                                                     449.20  R&B SUPPL                    

PEGGY DOUGHERTY                                                             38.48  OAHE DIST MTG                

EAGLE SALES COMPANY                                                   965.65  4TH OF JULY RODEO            

EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                                                        177.01  R&B SUPPL                    

EQUIPMENT BLADES INC                                                 3970.10  R&B SUPPL                    

WADE FISCHER                                                                   3124.36  CRT APPT ATTRNY                      

FLEET SERVICES                                                                1053.12  R&B SUPPL                    

FORT PIERRE CHAMBER OF COMMERC                        314.33  SALES TAX REMITTANCE         

FORT PIERRE FIRE DEPT                                                  8522.13  FIRE PREMIUM REFUND          

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                              525.60  CHN COPIER LEASE & COPIES    

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                            2725.33  COURTHOUSE

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                         18992.26  DUE CITY OF FORT PIERRE                  

FOUR CORNERS FIRE DEPTMENT                                1885.88  UTILITIES                     

FOUR CORNERS FIRE DEPTMENT                                4889.75  FIRE PREMIUM REFUND          

FRIMAN OIL & GAS CO INC                                         15580.00  R&B SUPPL                    

GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS                    334.04  E-911                        

GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR                      1128.73  R&B SUPPL                    

KRISTIN GUNDERSON                                                         20.00  SUBPOENA                     

HOGEN'S HARDWARE HANK                                              9.45  FAIRGROUNDS SUPPL            

HUGHES COUNTY FINANCE OFFICE                           8960.00  JUNE 2015 JAIL BILLING       

INLAND TRUCK PARTS                                                   6671.88  R&B REPAIRS & MAINT          

INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER                              54.91  GOV BLDG MAINT               

JC OFFICE SUPPLY                                                                30.42  R&B SUPPL                     

JEROME BEVERAGE INC                                                   279.44  4TH OF JULY RODEO            

KAYLA KLEMANN                                                                49.47  4TH OF JULY                  

ROBERT T KONRAD                                                          2496.81  CRT APPT ATTRNY                  

LEIDHOLT MCNEELY & LEIDHOLT                            55705.00  2ND FLOOR HEATING/AC UNITS   

BRENDA LOUNSBURY                                                         60.00  ALCOHOL BLOOD TESTS          

THOMAS P MAHER                                                           2737.01  JULY 2015 EXPENSES           

CURT MERRIMAN PRINTING                                             50.00  4TH OF JULY RODEO            

MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                                                  166.95  R&B REPAIRS & MAINT          

MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                                                    80.00  AUD REPAIRS & MAINT          

MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                            385.00  ROD EQUIP RENTAL             

MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                             217.30  OFFICE INTERNET              

MIDLAND FIRE DEPARTMENT                                       558.82  FIRE PREMIUM REFUND          

KIRSTEN MILLER                                                               103.25  SUBPOENA                     

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                                11.87  R&B NATURAL GAS              

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                                31.03  GOV BLDG NATURAL GAS         

SHANE NICKELS                                                                  20.00  SUBPOENA                     

TRACI NICKELS                                                                   20.00  SUBPOENA                      

DARLIS D PERRY                                                               240.00  ALCOHOL BLOOD TESTS          

CITY OF PIERRE                                                               5789.45  JUNE 2015 MEDICAL DIR        

PITNEY BOWES INC                                                          136.95  POSTAGE METER RENT           

PITNEY BOWES                                                                  197.75  POSTAGE                      

QUILL CORPORATION                                                      926.75  OFFICE EQUIP                 

ROBINS WATER CONDITIONING INC                             36.80  R&B SUPPL                    

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                                 2101.99  R&B SUPPL                    

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                                 3475.66  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIRS & MAINT  

STANLEY COUNTY TREASURER                                     10.00  COMM ADMIN FEES              

DEB SCHIEFELBEIN                                                          474.80  LOG CABIN REPAIRS & MAINT    

JOAN BOOS SCHUELLER                                                 997.57  CRT APPT ATTRNY                 

SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION                                18.27  OFFICE LONG DISTANCE - BIT   

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                  1720.00  3RD QTR PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                              102865.09  MV & VITALS

SD DEPT OF REVENUE                                                     440.00  DOE IAAO COURSES - LEMIEUX  

SD ASSN OF ASSESSING OFFICES                                 600.00  DOE FALL SCHOOL              

SD ASSN OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER                       792.30  CLERP                         

SD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY                       2340.00  TELETYPE SRVC 7/1/15-12/31/15

SD PUBLIC ASSURANCE ALLIANCE                             500.00  2014 JD TRACTORS

SD ASSOC OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                               138.00  DUE TO COUNTY ASSOC - $2            

SECURITY LOCK SERVICE                                                57.75  GOV BLDG SUPPL               

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                       61.74  R&B MAINT                    

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                     176.80  GOV BLDG SUPPL               

SHARPE RENTALS, INC.                                                  471.17  COMMERCIAL REFUND

STANLEY COUNTY SCHOOL DIST                            55096.31  DUE TO SC SCHOOL           

STATE FLAG ACCOUNT                                                   191.19  GOV BLDG SUPPL               

HAROLD STONE                                                                  35.00  ANNUAL LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP    

CODY STOTZ                                                                        36.67  COMMERCIAL REFUND            

SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET                             14.34  R&B SUPP                     

LORI SWEEN                                                                        20.00  SUBPOENA                     

ULTRA INC                                                                       1557.20  R&B SUPPORT CONTRACT         

ULTRA INC                                                                         250.00  ROD SUPPORT CONTRACT         

VAN DIEST SUPPLY COMPANY                                  1385.00  W&P SUPPL                    

VERENDRYE MUSEUM                                                 1114.32  LOG CABIN REPAIRS & MAINT    

WALMART COMMUNITY                                               874.97  RD & BRD EQUIP               

MONA WEIGER                                                                 278.10  CRT REPORTER                 

WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                                     40.00  RD & BRD REPAIRS & MAINT     

XEROX CORPORATION                                                   389.66  COPIER LEASE & COPIES        

ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                                    207.62  R&B SUPPL   


SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners - $3,593.71; Auditor - $2,647.30; Treasurer - $3,691.80; States Attorney - $4,272.95; Custodial - $1,935.06; Director of Equalization - $4,940.47; Register of Deeds - $2,647.34; Road & Bridge - $18,895.36; Community Health/WIC Secretary - $1,878.17; Weed and Pest - $488.68; Fairgrounds - $2,780.20; Planning & Zoning - $80.71; Employee Health Insurance - $13,539.44; SD Retirement System, withheld and match - $4955.34; Electronic Transfer; FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax - $12,761.43.


TREASURER/AUDITOR REPORTS: Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, presented the commissioners with the June business, which includes taxes collected, delinquent taxes and investments. Auditor Philena Edwards presented the commissioners with budget expenditure for the month of June.


Executive Session – Personnel – 1-25-2(1): Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Dana Iversen, to go into Executive Session at 5:20 P.M. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Craig Heller, to reconvene at 5:30 P.M. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Dennis Booth, to approve the hire of Susan Roshau as Deputy Treasurer, at $13.00 per hour with 50¢ raise at 6 month, 12 month and 18 month plus any cost of living raise issued by the county, will do evaluation at 6 month. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Planning & Zoning – Plat Resolution 2015-15: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Dana Iversen, to approve Plat Resolution 2015-15. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.






WHEREAS, the plat of the above described property has been executed according to statue, now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED that the County Commission, in and for Stanley County, does hereby approve the said Plat of Lot A, a subdivision of Lots  1, 2 & 3, Section 7, T7N, R28E, B.H.M., Stanley County, South Dakota.

Dated this 4th day of August, 2015.           Board of Stanley County Commissioners

                                                                                Scott Deal, Chairman

I, Philena Edwards, Auditor of Stanley County, do hereby certify that at an official meeting on August 4, 2015, the County Commissioners did by resolution approve Plat of Lot A, a subdivision of Lots  1, 2 & 3, Section 7, T7N, R28E, B.H.M., Stanley County, South Dakota. 

(SEAL)                                                                   Philena Edwards, Auditor

Randy Yost, Hayes Airstrip, has a Conditional Use Permit for the airstrip, however, he would like to expand. Roger Fuller explained will have to apply for a new Conditional Use Permit and meet with the County Board of Adjustments & Appeals.

Office of Hearing Examiners heard an appeal case from Stanley County. The case was ruled in favor of Stanley County due to insufficient information.

Update on Courthouse Elevator Project: G&N Construction is moving along on the new elevator. There are a couple issues with the elevator, but will look into them and correct them. The floors and stairs should be finished by the end of this week. By contract, they are 60 days behind schedule. Issues they have encountered include the crumbling masonry wall, steel columns were installed; the elevator wasn’t delivered as scheduled, and work was halted when court was in session due to the noise. The Commissioners requested an itemized bill of labor and materials.


Oahe Marina – August 15 Celebration & Make-A-Wish Fundraiser: Steve Rounds, Oahe Marina, has planned a Community Celebration and Make-A-Wish Fundraiser. It will be Saturday, August 15, 2015, at Oahe Marina and Resort. They will have a smoked pork feed, beer garden, live music, auction, spearfishing tournament, National Guard’s inflatables and fireworks at dusk. They would like permission from the county to have a fireworks show, weather permitting. The Fort Pierre Fire Department has agreed to have two trucks there. It is a good time to celebrate the Oahe Dam and it is for a good cause, Make-A-Wish, which helps the local chapter.

Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller, to approve a Fireworks Public Display Permit to operate a display of fireworks to Oahe Marina on August 15, 2015. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

Fort Pierre Fire Department – Cody Lengkeek – New Fire Hall-Station #2: After the July 7, 2015, Commissioner Meeting, Cody Lengkeek went to the board members in charge of the new fire station with the possibility of receiving Block 47 instead of Block 48. With discussion, research and viewing the lots available, they feel Block 24 would be ideal, with access to Highway 1806. With public safety in mind, and talk of the softball complex in the same area, the fire department would have to drive past the complex to get to the fire hall on Block 47.

Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller, to allow Fort Pierre Volunteer Fire Department to develop and build the new fire hall located at Block 24, Townsite of Stanley.

Tom P. Maher will write up an agreement for Block 24 with terms of use. Craig Heller was appointed Liaison Commissioner for the fire department.


Fort Pierre Fire Department is hosting Bad Lands Fire School September 27, 2015, and would like permission to use the south parking lot, around the Schomer Barn and by the slug pond, all at the fairgrounds, for training.

Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Sonny Harrowa, to approve the use of the fairgrounds for Bad Lands Fire School September 26-27, 2015. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Stanley Post 20 American Legion – Reed Stoeser – Softball Complex: Since Fort Pierre has caught baseball fever again with the start of our very own 12-13 year old baseball team, the Legion would like to build more fields for more ages to use and enjoy. They plan to have fields for Pee-Wee, 13-14 year olds, so this year’s team can continue, and eventually have one for 15-19 year olds. They have plans drawn and would like to have the first field completed for the 2016 season.

Motion by Craig Heller, second by Dana Iversen, to approve the development of a softball complex, with parking, located at Blocks 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 46, 47 & 48, Townsite Stanley. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

Tom P. Maher will write up an agreement for Blocks 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 46, 47 & 48 with terms of use and a 5 year development stipulation.


Emergency Management & Disaster – Rob Fines: Hughes/Stanley Counties received a grant for mitigation. Mitigation is to reduce the impact to life and property from hazards through a long term, sustainable, statewide mitigation strategy while maintaining economic vitality.

On Thursday July 30, 2015, President Obama declared that a major disaster existed in South Dakota and ordered federal aid. August 18, 2015, FEMA will meet with state and local government entities in Pierre to explain what monies will be available for public infrastructure.


Highway Department – Kelly McCollam: Kelly updated the commissioners on the work being done throughout the county. A pipe has been installed on Donohue Road and Mission Ridge Road. Hauling gravel on Walker Road. The last three miles of Sansarc Road and McQuistion Road needs gravel.


The new stall gates have a couple issues, the eyelet hooks are snapping off. The company has been contacted, they are sending stronger hooks and they will be replaced before the 4-H Finals Rodeo August 14, 2015. An estimate of $17,000.00 was given to upgrade the electrical at the camper spots. Right now there are 8 spots and with the upgrade, there will be, up to, 16 spots.


The Haakon/Stanley Road Maintenance Understanding was discussed. Haakon County would like to keep this in place. The only changes will be Stanley County will maintain Clint Aleman’s road and both counties will do joint snow removal.


We received a letter from FEMA regarding the War Creek Road Project that was completed in 2014. FEMA is requesting more information regarding the corrugated metal pipe culvert and the associated roadway, which included grading, reshaping, taking/placing borrow material that may not have complied with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Tom P Maher and Brosz Engineering are working together to gather the additional information.


Butler has a bid out to Beadle County for a 2016 Cat Blade for $279,000, we can ‘piggy-back’ Beadle Counties bid. If we would like to continue with our two year upgrade plan, we need to sign the agreement with Butler before August 18, 2015.

Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Sonny Harrowa, to sign the bid agreement for a 2016 Cat Blade at the price of $279,000.00. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Kelly McCollam, Highway and Weed & Pest Supervisor, has accepted a position with another company.

Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Dennis Booth, to accept the resignation of Kelly McCollam. All voted Aye. Motion Carried. His last official day will be Friday August 7, 2015. Tom Richardson will take over the duties of supervisor until the position is filled. Closing date is August 14, 2015.


Fairgrounds – 4th of July Rodeo: We are still receiving bills from the 4th of July Rodeo. We are hoping to have a final total by September 1, 2015, Commission Meeting.


Motion by Craig Heller, second by Sonny Harrowa, to purchase a new stripping chute for the main arena. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


 Courthouse Cooling/Heating System: Leidholt McNeeley & Leidholt has completed the installation and the units are operating correctly. There was an additional cost for the Channel Line Set Covers. It was stated as an ‘Add’ in the original proposal.

Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Craig Heller, to approve the payment of $55,705.00 to Leidholt McNeely Leidholt. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


The Auditor is still waiting for budget requests from a couple departments. Budget Meeting is set for Monday August 17, 2015 at 5 P.M., in the Commission Room of the Stanley County Courthouse.


Adjourn: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Dana Iversen, to adjourn at 7:56 P.M. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.



ATTEST:                                             BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS


 Philena Edwards, Auditor                  Scott Deal, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

