April 7, 2015


April 7, 2015


The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 5:09 P.M. (CDT) by Chairman Scott Deal with Commissioners Dennis Booth, Dana Iversen, Craig Heller and Sonny Harrowa present. Also present were State’s Attorney Tom P Maher, Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, Welfare Director Dawn Sass, Director of Equalization Consultant Roger Fuller, Emergency Management Director Rob Fines, Fort Pierre Fire Department Cody Lengkeek, Justin Jones, Four Corners Fire Department Clint Alleman, Johnson Controls Mike Hubbard, Courthouse Custodial Ricky Sass, County Health Nurse Carmella Bourke, Deb Stoeser-Scheifelbein, Dave Bonde, Betsy DeLoche, and Auditor Philena Edwards. The meeting commenced with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


AGENDA: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller, to approve the Agenda. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.


MINUTES: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Sonny Harrowa, to approve the March 3, 2015 Minutes. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


CLAIMS: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Dennis Booth, to approve Claims as presented. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


ACCESS ELEVATOR & LIFTS INC                        17750.00  ½ COURTHOUSE ELEVATOR


AT&T MOBILITY                                                         144.08  CELL PHONES                  

AVERA MCKENNAN HOSPITAL                            4382.00  INVOL MENTAL ILL             

AVERA QUEEN OF PEACE HEALTH                       201.80  R&B SUPPL                    

BOB BAK CONSTRUCTION                                   42300.00  CRUSHED AGGREGATE            

BOTTOM LINE WELDING                                           11.55  R&B REPAIRS/MAINT             

BUTLER MACHINERY CO                                      2034.05  R&B SUPPL                    

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                    63.75  TRASH BILLING 2/23-3/22      

CAPITAL AREA COUNSELING INC                        406.00  MENTALLY ILL PROF SRVC       

WICK COMMUNICATIONS                                    1061.38  POSITION OPENING             

CENTURYLINK                                                             85.28  4 CORNERS REPEATER           

CENTURYLINK                                                            241.16  OFFICE PHONES                

CHANDLERS INC AUTOGLASS/RECYCL               324.36  R&B REPAIRS/MAINT            

CHEMSEARCH                                                             224.50  GOV BLDG SUPPLIES            

CHRISTY LUMBER                                                        60.79  FAIRGROUNDS SUPPLIES         

COMMUNICATIONS CENTER INC                           697.96  R&B REPAIRS/MAINT             


COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                      18.42  INVOICE #100504              

DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                                    450.00  ROD EQUIPMENT                

DAKOTA DATA SHRED                                                71.40  DATA SHRED                   

DAKOTA RADIO GROUP                                            168.00  W&P ADVERTISING              

DAMON LAW OFFICE                                               6895.12  CRT APPT ATTRNY                   

PEGGY DOUGHERTY                                                    25.96  MILEAGE - OAHE DIST MEETING  

OLE BLAINE DRAGESET                                            869.31  EXCISE TAX OVERPAYMENT       

EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                                            1129.18  R&B SUPPL                    

EQUIPMENT BLADES INC                                         527.27  R&B SUPPL                    

WADE FISCHER                                                         5278.19  CRT APPT ATTRNY                    

FLEET SERVICES                                                       1131.56  R&B FUEL                     

FORT PIERRE FIRE DEPT                                       14962.50  2ND QTR PAYMENT              

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                       15.24  CHN COPIER LEASE & COPIES    

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                   1829.65  GOV BLDG UTILITIES

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                 61550.31  DUE TO CITY OF FORT PIERRE          

FORT PIERRE MOTEL                                                 108.50  EMERGENCY ASSISTANCT          

FOUR CORNERS FIRE DEPTMENT                         4662.50  2ND QTR PAYMENT

ROGER FULLER                                                          2077.60  DOE PROF SRVC

ROGER FULLER                                                          2677.60  DOE PROF SRVC             

GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS             334.04  E-911                        

GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR                 244.62  R&B SUPPL                    

AMY HUGHES                                                                35.00  ANNUAL LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP    

HUGHES COUNTY FINANCE OFFICE                   9920.00  FEBRUARY 2015 JAIL BILL      

HUGHES COUNTY SHERIFF                                     224.44  MEDICAL CARE                 

INLAND TRUCK PARTS                                            188.53  R&B REPAIRS/MAINT            

JC OFFICE SUPPLY                                                       27.98  GOV BLDG SUPPL               

JIM HAWK TRUCK TRAILERS INC                       1240.28  R&B REPAIRS/MAINT             

KCCR AM 1240                                                            126.88  WEED & PEST                  

ROBERT T KONRAD                                                1976.00  CRT APPT ATTRNY                    

LARRY'S PLUMBING LLC                                        121.00  GOV BLDG REPAIRS             

LUCY LEWNO                                                              73.50  MENTAL ILL                   

LINCOLN COUNTY                                                    109.97  MENTALLY ILL PROF SRVC       

LONESOME DOVE LIVESTOCK                              672.10  COMMERCIAL REFUND            

M & R SIGNS                                                               117.08  RECOGNITION PLAQUE - DUFFY   

THOMAS P MAHER                                                 2410.80  MARCH 2015 EXPENSES          

KELLY MCCOLLAM                                                 158.04  REIMBURSEMENT-SHORT COURSE   

MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                                        122.85  TREAS REPAIRS                

MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                  375.00  ROD EQUIP RENT               

MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                    217.30  OFFICE INTERNET              

MINNEHAHA CO TREASURERS OFFICE            2560.91  MARCH 2015 JAIL BILL         

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                     560.57  GOV BLDG NATURAL GAS         

MORRIS INC                                                               378.44  R&B REPAIRS/MAINT            

MORRIS INC                                                               434.00  COMMERCIAL REFUND #799485    

NOBLE INK & TONER                                                49.98  R&B SUPPL                     

DARLIS D PERRY                                                     240.00  ALCOHOL BLOOD TESTS          

CITY OF PIERRE                                                       220.00  MEDICAL DIRECTOR JAN 2015    

PITNEY BOWES INC                                                136.95  POSTAGE METER RENTAL         

PITNEY BOWES                                                        811.00  POSTAGE                      

QUILL CORPORATION                                            662.74  DOE SUPPLIES                 

ROCKMOUNT RESEARCH & ALLOYS                 458.88  R&B SUPPL                    

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                       1159.10  R&B SUPPL                    


PAM SCARBOROUGH                                                35.00  ANNUAL LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP    


SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                            450.00  ALCOHOL BLOOD TESTS          

SD ASSN OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER               792.30  CLERP                        

SD ASSN OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER               582.00  CCPR                         

SD ASS'N OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                         525.00  OFFICIAL SPRING WORKSHOP     

SD ASS’N OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                        114.00  DUE TO COUNTY ASSOC-$2

SD PUBLIC ASSURANCE ALLIANCE                 34969.06  R&B AUTO INSURANCE           

KARA SEMMLER                                                     1603.50  CRT APPT ATTRNY                  

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                             203.58  GOV BLDG SUPPL               

SHANE'S PHARMACY                                              334.20  MEDICAL CARE


STANLEY COUNTY SCHOOL                           159605.44  DUE TO SC SCHOOL

STANLEY COUNTY TREASURER                            40.00  ADMIN FEES              

TITAN MACHINERY                                                   87.00  R&B REPAIRS/MAINT            

WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                         1968.91  R&B SUPPL                    

XEROX CORPORATION                                          422.50  COPIER LEASE & COPIES        

ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                           686.52  R&B SUPPL


SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners - $3,359.71; Auditor - $2,717.30; Treasurer - $4,569.13; States Attorney - $3,907.27; Custodial - $1,968.23; Director of Equalization - $1,904.20; Register of Deeds - $2,623.52; Road & Bridge - $16,179.17; Community Health/WIC Secretary - $1,854.06; Weed and Pest - $653.84; Employee Health Insurance - $12,881.23; SD Retirement System, withheld and match - $6,000.10; Electronic Transfer; FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax - $12,873.75


EXECUTIVE SESSION – Care of Poor, SDCL 1-28-13:  Motion by Craig Heller, second by Dennis Booth, to go into Executive Session at 5:12 P.M. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Dana Iversen, to reconvene at 5:19 P.M. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

            Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Sonny Harrowa, to approve Case #58-5843, in the amount of $108.50, Emergency Assistance. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

            Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Dennis Booth, to deny Case #58-5462. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


AUDITOR AND TREASURER REPORTS: The Treasurer presented the commissioners with a positive investments report and explained that the she has been working to get the delinquent taxes collected and the list is getting shorter. The Auditor presented the commissioners with a budget expenditure report for each department within the county. This shows what has been spent and the remaining budget. The only concern is with the highway department; we will need to supplement their budget if the weather remains dry.


DEB STOESER-SCHEIFELBEIN – Sansarc School Update: Deb gave a little history of the school; Built 1910, phone service 1960; used from 1910 until 1969; purchased and moved to Gene Stoeser ranch June 1973; Moved by Gene Stoeser to Fort Pierre for use as a museum in 1975. Restoration of roof and interior in 1999 by Verendrye Museum and Stanley County School Board, guided by Gene Stoeser and Mary Beth Stoeser Fravel. Cleaning, furnishing and improving appearance and functionality of building in 2014 guided by Deb Stoeser Schiefelbein. Open as an interpretive museum in June 2014.

It is a piece of history that will take you back. There is history from about every school in Stanley County. During the State School Conference, they will be taking tours and it will be open during the Stanley County All School Reunion in June. In August 2014, Dakota Life (Capital Journal) wrote about an artist, Betsy DeLoche, who has done drawings of all the old schoolhouses, these can be viewed and purchased at the Log Cabin.


The school is in need of some maintenance outside. There are two wild trees that have grown right next to the building that need to be trimmed or cut down and there are hedges that need to be trimmed or removed. They would like to get the yard cleaned up in the next month. Custodial Ricky Sass and Highway Department Kelly McCollam, will assist with the trees and hedges. Deb said they have volunteers that will help with the rest of the cleaning. They would also like to have a sign made so it is easier to locate. Will talk to the school about the progress of their parking lot.

Deb, Dave and Betsy thanked the commissioners for their time and invited everyone to stop at the Log Cabin for a tour.



ROB FINES –EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Dana Iversen to approve the Appointment of Applicant Agent, Emergency Management Director Rob Fines for the Hazard Mitigation Grant. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Rob Fines spoke with Fort Pierre Fire Chief Cody Lengkeek and Four Corners Fire Chief Clint Alleman regarding a burn ban. With the lack of moisture, the high winds, the tall, dry weeds, they all agree it would be in the best interest of the county to have one in place.


Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller, to approve the 2015 Burn Ban. All voted Aye. Motion Carried






WHEREAS, Stanley County as a substantial amount of remaining vegetation this spring, increasing the potential fuel for a fire; and


WHEREAS, Stanley County is now experiencing very dry conditions due to lack of moisture this winter and into spring; and


WHEREAS, Stanley County is dedicated to taking steps to protect the health and safety of all residents of the County and all property within the County, and


WHEREAS, the Stanley County Commission has consulted with local fire officials and law enforcement officials in regard to the severity of this issue; and


WHEREAS, for purposes of this Resolution, “open burning’ shall be defined as any outdoor fire, including but not limited to campfires, warming fires, charcoal grill fires, or the prescribed burning of fence rows, fields, wild lands, trash and debris. Fireworks will also be considered open burning and be banned by this resolution. This resolution excludes fires contained within liquid-fueled or gas-fueled stoves, fireplaces within all buildings, charcoal grills and fire pits at private residences, burn barrels with a minimum 30 foot clear zone and permanent fire pits or fire grates located on supervised developed picnic grounds and campgrounds, and


WHEREAS, conditions of extreme fire hazard now exist in Stanley County;


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Stanley County Commission enact this resolution on an emergency basis and impose a ban to prohibit or restrict open burning in order to protect the public health and safety pursuant to South Dakota Codified Law 7-8-20(18); and be it


FURTHER RESOLVED that the burn ban will be effective 8:00 A.M., April 9, 2015; and be it


FURTHER RESOLVED that the ban will be in place until fire conditions improve and the Commission takes action to remove the ban.


Dated this 7th day of April 2015.

ATTEST:                                                         BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS

Philena Edwards, Auditor                                Scott Deal, Chairman


The National Grasslands and Fort Pierre Fire Department will be doing a controlled burn on Verendrye Drive to clear away dried vegetation, weather permitting.


Mike Hubbard – Johnson Controls: September 2014 the cooling system for the upper floor of the courthouse stopped functioning. Mr. Hubbard presented the commissioners with SDCL 1-33B “Energy Efficiency” Initiated in 1992. This allows for facility improvements, guaranteed energy savings, 15 year maximum lease term. Mr. Hubbard explained a preliminary spreadsheet that they have done for Perkins County. After some discussion, the commissioners requested a Preliminary Facility Improvement Measures Summary Table for our situation. Mr. Hubbard will present this at the May 5, 2015 Commission Meeting.


DIRECTOR OF EQUALIZATION: Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Dana Iversen, to hire Roger Fuller as Director of Equalization effective April 1, 2015. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


            Leimbach Development #15-01: Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Sonny Harrowa, to abate $6,675.98 due to land value was incorrectly entered. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

            Brenda Ice #15-02: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Dana Iversen, to abate $876.36 due to house was destroyed by fire. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

            Tyler & Tiffany Stoeser #15-03: Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Craig Heller, to abate $518.76 due to the value was figured with a basement and a crawl space. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

            Rick & Dawn Sass #15-04: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Dana Iversen, to abate $617.54 due to empty lots were assessed with lots belonging to another. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

            Shane & Jessica Ludemann #15-06: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller, to abate $16,716.28 due to value was incorrectly entered. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

            Barry & Kathy Heiss #15-07: Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Craig Heller, to abate $101.04 due to two billings for one lot. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

            Barry & Kathy Heiss #15-08: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Dana Iversen, to abate $2,187.10 due to Block 6 no longer exists. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.

            Barry & Kathy Heiss #15-09: Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Dana Iversen, to abate $657.54 due to replatted partially into Block 8 Lots 1-3. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


The Board of Equalization for appeals is set for Tuesday April 28, 2015, at 5 P.M. in the Commissioners Conference room of the Stanley County Courthouse.


HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller, to offer the Highway Department Bookkeeper position to Kelly Holden at a wage of $14.00 per hour with three (3) fifty (50) cent raises every six (6) months for 18 months plus any cost of living raises given to other county employees. All voted Aye. Motion carried.


The Commissioners discussed the dry conditions of the roads. If it doesn’t rain, we will need to get a tanker/water truck for the roads for maintenance.


Since the Fairgrounds Maintenance position has not been filled, the highway department will put the fence up around the grounds before the horse races start on April 25, 2015.


SDSU Extension Memorandum of Understanding: Motion by Dana Iversen, second by Craig Heller, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Hughes County, Stanley County, Sully County and SDSU Extension. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


RESOLUTION 15-07 Mud Road Speed Limit: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Dennis Booth, to approve Resolution 15-07. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.






WHEREAS, the County of Stanley has found it to be in the best interest of the community to change the speed limit starting at US Highway 14/34 North 1 mile, Mud Road (Road #0504), for the first 8/10th of a mile portion of the Mud Road, now therefore


BE IT RESOLVED, that the County of Stanley, in and for the County of Stanley, South Dakota, does hereby approve and support the speed limit of 25 miles per hour on the designated 1 mile portion.


Dated this 7th day of April, 2015.

ATTEST:                                             BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS

Philena Edwards, Auditor                  Scott Deal, Chairman


UPCOMING WORKSHOPS: SDACO 2015 Spring Workshops of County Officials will be held in Pierre May 13-14. Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, Register of Deeds Bev Stoeser, and Auditor Philena Edwards will be attending. Auditor Philena Edwards will also be attending a TotalVote Workshop on May 15 in Pierre.

South Dakota Department of Revenue Annual Conference for Director of Equalization will be held in June in Yankton. Roger Fuller will be attending.


ADJOURN: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Dennis Booth, to adjourn at 7:21 P.M. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


ATTEST:                                             BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS



_________________________          _____________________________________________

Philena Edwards, Auditor                  Scott Deal, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

